“So much does the paintings of the Supreme court managers”

“When toppdomarna of the Supreme court retire depicted the at oil paintings for hundreds of thousands of dollars.”

“the Tradition was shut down for reasons of cost – but last year it resumed again.”

“Stefan Lindskog flew in an artist from New York city to be depicted and Marianne Lundius lived five-star with her husband in Amsterdam when she was a model.”

“In the Supreme court premises in the Bonde palace in Stockholm’s Old town, hanging oil paintings in a row.”

“– It’s about the history of the Supreme court as an institution, ” says the Supreme court’s administrative director Måns Wigén.”

“But at the same time as the HD, according to the latest report from 2018, goes back, with a deficit of 1.8 million, the cost of the paintings increased.”

“Aftonbladet has reviewed the invoices which shows that the costs for the last three portraits have risen from sek 112 000, then Johan Munck (HD-president 2007-2010), however, to 225 000 sek when Stefan Lindskog (HD-president 2016-2018) was imaged.”

” I have full respect for those who think it is too much money to spend on a portrait. But I am of the opinion still that we have done a good job of it that we have tried to come down significantly in price in proportion to what this type of artist requires for its mission, says the permanent secretary Måns Wigén.”

“Stefan Lindskogs portrait is approximately 20 centimeters higher than most of the earlier paintings and has also cost taxpayers comparatively most of all the paintings that have previously been undertaken on the HD.”

“today, retired top lawyer let fly into the artist Patrick Graham from New York for a few days in may allow itself to be imaged on site in Stockholm.”

“the Cost for the painting was 184 800, but with a gilded frame for 25 000 sek and premiumbiljett for the artist’s journey ended in the total cost in 225 000 kronor.”

“Aftonbladet has repeatedly sought, and Stefan Lindskog for a comment but he has chosen not to come back.”

“When the previous HD-chairperson Marianne Lundius would avporträtteras chose the court, the artist Urban Larsson, who works in Amsterdam. Marianne Lundius flew down to the Netherlands together with her husband Johan Gernandt, lawyer and M-politician. In nine days there lived the couple at the five-star hotel The Dylan in a room that cost 7 130 sek per night.”

“In his expense report to the Supreme court asked Marianne Lundius compensation for half of the hotellkostnaden. Taxpayers ‘ part of the hotel stay was thus 32 093 crowns and a travel allowance was paid for a person’s flight in the economy class.”

“the Actual portrait, including frame and shipping cost 161 000 sek with the then euro exchange rate. With taxi fares was the total cost for the painting of around 200 000 sek.”

“Tried to stop the portrait painting.”

“Marianne Lundius stresses that she had stopped at the Supreme court when the portrait was made and that it was the court that took the decision about the artist who would create work, and how much she would be compensated for its part of the hotel stay.”

“”I have not been myself with and made a decision on which artist it would be and I have, moreover, in addition to the deduction that my husband was with, stated that I should not have paid more for your stay than what you otherwise would have paid when any of the court staff travelling in the service,” says Marianne Lundius.”

“The previous HD-the chairman points out that she during her time as head of the court of justice took the decision to stop with the oil paintings for the benefit of the photographs. But after that she stopped took the court, under the leadership of Stefan Lindskog, the decision to resume the tradition, which is confirmed by the HD office.”

“– I decided that we would have a photo instead because I thought it was cheaper and a bit more modern but we wanted to have a continuity back in time and took a new decision, ” says Marianne Lundius.”

“Then, the Supreme court had already managed to let a photographer take a portrait of the former HD-boss Johan Munck, who got taken down and several years after his resignation had to paint him for sek 112 000. At the same time he was portrayed was also Marianne Lundius.”