the US house of representatives adopted a new law: All new buyers of handguns to be checked; and this may take up to ten days. A minimum requirement, but Republicans on yell.
isn’t that crazy? On each official paper such as a passport, you have to wait longer. A weapon is possible the acquisition of such urgency that raises questions! Unfortunately, history shows that such a weapons the law – the wishes of the majority of Americans – hardly a Republican Senate. Nevertheless, you have to try it. Again and again. For the coming generations.

For the children?
The children in the USA, my nephews and nieces, in the school “Lockdown Drills”: they learn, where and as they barricade themselves in a rampage at best. The school children live in fear. A nephew had to practice, not to press on the wall, that you spotted him through the window. How can you find that okay? I don’t understand. Or is it: I have a lot of research on the National Rifle Association , with NRA representatives has spoken, and with massacre survivors. Alone Trumps election campaign, the NRA paid directly to over 11 million dollars, indirectly, many times over. Apparently, the special investigator Robert Mueller is currently investigating the delicate connection.

What to do?
You would have to finally remove the money by law out of the policy. But many have failed. You would think that a massacre such as in Parkland, Florida, was a turning point; or the Las Vegas massacre, the rampage at the Sandy Hook primary school. What still needs to happen? I was to Parkland at the “March for our lives” in Washington, and there saw a little girl with the sign: “A gun has more rights than I do.” True.

your novel, “Gun Love”, in which a sick gun nut niedermäht for no reason a destitute mother and her daughter lose their home, tragedy appeared shortly after in the Parkland. He plays in Florida.
The publication was to an exact point in time scary, the book I had a year earlier finished. Florida has one of the most lenient gun laws, but I tried out the Federal state, because I wanted the spirit of the extinct Timucua people in the novel. No indigenous people could assert against the firearms owner, neither in Africa, nor in India or the USA. The Timucua disappeared with the advent of the White people in Florida. Your spirit, as reflected in the novel’s heroine: Pearl, a very white-skinned teen in a verratzten caravan settlement, empathic gifted: you hear the stories in all, also the weapons.

The weapons stories to tell?
It was tricky to fold Pearls childishness and poetic tone with the subject – the arms rigidly at the end of the world in the USA. In this fairytale-like way we went. Created almost a ballad, full of music, from children’s songs to Rachmaninov. I lighting via Pearl and your neighbors in the Trailer Park (which you can smuggle a truckload of guns to Mexico), poverty in the United States, the non functioning Social security system, the latent misogyny. And follow my brennendstes concerns.

to arouse The awareness of the arms trade: more Than 20,000 firearms go daily from the USA to Mexico and Central America. According to studies, half of all U.S. arms dealers were almost without these sales broke. But those that whine the loudest about the refugees, the March to the U.S. border to escape poverty and violence, the eyes were in front of it, that this escape is powered movement of US arms. Literally. The refugee treks are one of the effects of the 2. Amendment to the US Constitution: It allowed the people of the possession and Carrying of weapons and the weapons trade easily.

you are in Favour of a wall between Mexico and the United States – against the smuggling of weapons to the South?
Very good question! (laughs) The wall is a sad joke. Like Trump, the choice of which shocked the Mexicans, until they degraded him as a consolation for salmon number. Terribly, that his re-election seems to be possible. A climate of fighters, as President, did not. Originally, the border fortification of President Clinton, he called her “fence”. What Trump now has nothing to do with real need, the any expert says. But nobody talks about the weapons flood to the South.

“I, the consciousness wants to awaken for the arms trade.”Jennifer Clement, President of PEN International and author

wouldn’t have to check the Mexico import?
However! But in Mexico, the reign of corruption and lawlessness: a tragedy. The causes of the crisis in Latin America, are Overpopulation and poverty, the drug use in the United States. I grew up as an American in Mexico and that the situation worsened in the last decades. It is also a violent girl trade developed. The 7-, 8-year-old girl in Guerrero have to hide as a boy dress up in holes in the ground. Hundreds are abducted every year and sold, and in case of resistance killed. The image of the terrified children tormented me for days: I’ve got two now adults. I had to write about it, in spite of the death threats I received during the research for “prayers for the Missing” (2014).

do you Feel threatened?
For 2015, I officiate as the first President of the writer’s Association PEN International and a sit down for imprisoned writers and freedom of expression. Therefore, I’m being threatened again and again. But my indignation is greater than my fear.

Are your novels a sort of “New Journalism”?
no, it is a Tradition of the novel, of social Ills. Emile Zola wrote about the Situation of the miners, Victor Hugo about the poor. Novels can be more than you would think – and show, for me anyway, is only the tip of the iceberg of his research Material. I am convinced that novels can effect social change, sometimes quite directly, such as Dickens’ “Oliver Twist”. If the PEN has to fight today for imprisoned Poet, testifies of the fear of the Powerful in front of the word, and even before the poetry.

The PEN published in 2017, is also a Manifest against the oppression of women.
It has been widely used over the PEN, from the Scottish Prime Minister Nicola Sturgeon. It is more of a Manifest of pain than of anger: pain over the 63 million missing Indian women, as well as about the fact that even a white be translated privileged author less often than men, less prices; and only if your protagonists are male. We are collecting data – and are pleased about the push by #MeToo.

(editing Tamedia)

Created: 12.03.2019, 18:06 PM