The british dyrevelfærdsorganisation RSPCA published shortly before the end of 2018 a sad video of a dog that was left by the wayside.

the Footage, which you can see in the top of the article, shows a man the mantle of the dog’s leash and leaving it with a muzzle, before he hurries back to the car and drives away.

In a desperate attempt to catch up with the man who is supposed to be its owner, is seen the dog bolt for the car that puts speed and running from the site.

the Footage went around the world, and after dyrevelfærdsorganisationen had given the dog name Snoop, reported the 47-year-old rapper Snoop Dogg on the track and offered to adopt it, if it is not found a loving home.

It has, however, been now.

the Dog Snoop got thousands of offers from potential new owners, and is now definitively been adopted by a man by the name of Laurence Squire, who live in the countryside in uk Herefordshire.

The writes among others The Telegraph.

Community – 27. dec. 2018 – at. 13:49 Heartbreaking pictures: Here dog left in the side of the road

He says that he and Snoop immediately had a bond since they met each other at dyreværnet in Shropshire. He has previously had a dog of the breed staffordshire bull terrier. He had been looking for a new, young dog of the same breed, when one day he saw the news, where they told the story of Snoop.

– What happened with him, was shocking, and it was clear from the footage – with the way he tried to get back into the car – that he was a loyal dog. I thought he seemed like the perfect dog for me, and that I could offer him the home he deserved, says Laurence Squire.

According to the RSPCA suffer Snoop still of seperationsangst after being abandoned by his previous owner. At his new owner he has a big garden to run around in, and at the local pub he is already regarded as a ‘regular guest’.

Snoop now lives a lovely life in the countryside with his new owner, who lets him sleep under the covers and take him at the local pub. Photo: Ritzau Scanpix

– He is a great dog, and he fell to the right with the same. As soon as he came into the house for the first time, hopped up on the couch, and it was as if he decided that it was his place, says Laurence Squire, who enthusiastically continues:

– He loves to lie on sofaryggen, and if I turn on the fire in the fireplace, he puts himself in front of it. He loves to be warm, and if he can find into a bedroom, you can find him under the covers with his head on the pillow.

the Case of Snoop, despite the sad circumstances, a very positive outcome, says Rachel Butler from the RSPCA to The Telegraph. The story has shed new and bright light of the numerous cases of pets who daily are left behind.

Intl. known – 1. jan. 2019 – at. 16:49 Dog left in the wayside in heartbreaking video will musician to adopt the

He was left behind at christmas – a time of year that we spend with our loved ones, so that something as loveless as it was going to happen to him was heartbreaking. But the love and attention he gets now from Laurence is wonderful, says Rachel Butler.

It is still not managed to identify the supposed owner that left Snoop in the viral video.