On Tuesday, Hermann Parzinger, celebrated his 60th birthday. Birthday, as hardly anyone can celebrate a round birthday. The President of the Stiftung Preußischer Kulturbesitz got a house given, that is, immediately it received the National museums passed, the Foundation Association. Its Director-General, Michael Eissenhauer took out a Golden key that fits no lock, but as the Beard is a miniaturized figure of the East façade of the Presence shows, of the house of Bastian am kupfergraben, opposite Museum island.

over a hundred guests applauded, and it was only a day after the equally festive award ceremony for the James Simon prize of the lübeck businessman and patron of the arts Christian Dräger, made in the Bode-Museum on the Museum island, to marvel at, once again, patronage of today.

The Bastian family, in the Person of Heiner Bastian as the long-time curator of the collection of Erich Marx, has always been the museums close, giving her just twelve years old gallery house the Museum network, wants to set up his center for cultural education. At the end of August, so Parzinger, will pass the house after some modifications “to its destination”, only a month after the opening of the James-Simon-Galerie, the Central entrance building of the Museum island. The Simon gallery opening by Chancellor Merkel, envisaged to remedy the lack of modern mediation rooms; it is supplemented for this purpose, is now a 2000 square meters of floor space measuring the house.

The house of the Museum island

“What a day for the Foundation and its museums! What a house!“, Parzinger began his words of thanks. As it smiled right through the ranks of the congregation, because it is exactly this tone has so far hit only one, of the now for ten years, retired Museum Director General, Peter-Klaus Schuster. The was able to celebrate such events in an unparalleled way, and retained yesterday in a speech, the last and undoubtedly most beautiful word. Since it was a humble Museum education – so they say but today, but called it “cultural education”, but the museums at all. They were “the completion of the enlightenment”, shouted the shoemaker, and then came back elegantly to the specific occasion: “With the Release of the Haus Bastian, the Museum island ends.”

As you can see it in the fact. It is the case that the architect of the reconstruction of the Neues Museum, David Chipperfield, with his Berlin-based branch office, not only the architect of this upstream James-Simon-Galerie, but also of the long previously incurred by the gallery building on the corner lot at the on the island road leading. This building is now, of its commercial origin, for the purpose of single, of the noble Name “Haus Bastian,” given to become, and will henceforth bear witness to the generosity of its pen family.

chipper fields of copper trench-Athens is a classic of the Modern

in 2002, had awarded all his wishes come true for the purchased by you, due to the war destruction, fallow plot of land of a design competition among five offices. The results presented in consultation with the then Museum Director-General of Schuster at the beginning of 2003 in the Pergamon Museum. The called, because of the amalgamation of the public place with a commercial construction project, some of it’s forehead wrinkles.

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but Now, 16 years later, is this gesture as a premonition: What was presented, turns out to be as a complement to the Museum island to be the most suitable place. Yesterday, Schuster spoke digging “chipper fields neugeschaffenem copper-Athens, in the character of a classic of the Modern”. Only it couldn’t hear the mentioned Builder. He was in Overseas for the adoption of a further order, what is lacking to him, truly, but perhaps that is because he has succeeded on and to the Museum island, so brilliant.