Mike Williams died in 2000, but is by no means accidental.At one point Mike Williams was believed to have left the Seminole-lake and drowned, or be eaten by an alligator. All Over Press

the cult after the People magazine reporters go through other USA talk who have committed crimes. It happens to People Magazine Investigates -in a series of co-Discovery.

Sets submitted to the Frii.

first up is Denise and Mike Williams case. Family dedication Mike died in 2000, although the course of events was definitively found out only 17 years later.

First it was suspected behind the accident, but his mother did not believe ever, that the alligator had eaten her son. In reality, it was somewhere completely else. This rest joined the love triangle, greed, double-life and abundance of life insurance money.

Without Cheryl Williams determined to run in the background have been the reason you would have remained completely unsolved.

Cheryl did, however, maintain pressure on the authorities to initiate a criminal investigation. He continued his survey work, despite the fact that Denise began to threaten him. Daughter-in-law requires her husband’s mother to stop its own investigation and public appeal, or he no longer would let Her meet Mike as the only left overs to children. So happens. Cheryl continued anyway, because he was sure that Mike had something bad happened.

If Finland news case you’re not familiar with, don’t you want to know the suspects ‘ identities before the night cycle, leave the end of the story without reading it.

Denise was arrested last year because he was suspected of planning to kill then killing her husband together with her lover, Mike’s best friend. Denise received a life sentence earlier this year.

People Magazine Investigates today friin at 21.00.