“Nordea mobilbank is down for technical problems”

“Just after the clock 17 ended Nordea mobilbank work. For the moment, you don’t know how many customers are affected. “

“– We don’t know what has caused the fault or the extent of it. But we are working on a solution, ” says Mikaela Östman, presskommunikatör Nordea.”

“During the Friday afternoon suffered Nordea mobilbank of a technical error. And at 18:15, you worked for the full to find a solution. “

” We are working with a solution but I can’t say when we have solved the problem. But you can still use our other services and there is something so is it just to make calls, ” says Mikaela Östman. “

“Nordea mobilbankkunder met also by a special error message when they tried to login. ”Technical disturbance in the mobilbnken. We currently have a problem with accounts, loans and cards in the mobile bank. We work with lsöa the problem as soon as possible”. “

“– Hahaha, oh where, I should like to say to our staff to address after a successful, ” says presskommunikatören. “