Christine fire freezes. She’s just returned after three months from Zanzibar, the small island in the Indian ocean off Tanzania. In the Café Auer at Sihlquai in Zurich, many of the guests speak English and sit in front of Laptops. Here are also Brands room, if it is in Switzerland, your writing room. In the 2-bedroom WG in the circle of 10, you can’t write, too quiet.

The 45-year-old Brand a lot of writes and travels – she leads a writing Nomad. Or a vagrant write-life on the inside. She has a Laptop and a phone, health insurance, liability insurance, Rega white Patronage, and the home of the three pans. This phone was vibrating in the summer of 2017, again and again, as she was in Sicily. The German caller you expressed several times, in order to save the roaming costs. Until you decreased. “That was my winning the lottery as a writer,” says Brand in a wide Bern German. Her Agent had called. Within twelve hours she had to decide, the contract with the renowned publishing house Blanvalet from the German Random House Group. “It is only when you go Jogging on the beach of Trapani, I realized that my wage as a writer was a Zero higher than expected.” Her Thriller manuscript around the blind Nathaniel had convinced. “Blind” will appear in these days. “It is the most was the call that all writers wait in vain,” says Brand.


“My morbid vein grown up”, she says, there was a fire laid in the cradle. Her father was a mortician in the upper castle, in the Emmental. The first tests of courage was in the coffin bearing of the father, driving a car, she met with the hearse. “I have a natural relationship to death and white of my father a lot about the Dead and their various States.” So Brand had adorned as a young girl her great-grandmother in the coffin. As in Bern, before the court of the famous murder of Kehrsatz has been negotiated, jammed fire the teachers seminar, to be. “This murder case has me criminalized.”

the school was Brand never, she was a journalist, first at the Berne “Bund”, then four years as a reporter at the “Rundschau” of the Swiss television and ten years in the “NZZ on Sunday”. Their specialty: judicial and court cases. She filmed and wrote reports. For example, a man, the drama in a family, his eyes lost light. Or on the island of Zanzibar as a hub for drugs. Fear she had none. “The drug dealers and smugglers, with whom I had to do, were nice, but the cops are corrupt.”

Brand organized with a full staff of specialists. “Write jam I never did,” she says, “but I get confused from time to time in criminalistic pitfalls.” She knows investigators in Zurich Kapo, Federal police officers, judges and lawyers, for example Bernard Rambert. A retired legal practitioner helps her, and calculates, for example, the temperatures of the bodies after a murder. And earlier you had a friend who was undercover in Paris.

animal sitter to Bali

Seven books she has already written, a true crime cases (Stämpfli-Verlag), four crime novels (country publishing), a volume of fairy tales and myths about the moon (the Union publishing house), as well as a guide for aspiring emigrants (observer). All the books are published by Swiss publishers. The large edition was, therefore, Christine Brand needed her Job at the “NZZ on Sunday” in order to live in an expensive city like Zurich. Could you write only in the holidays.

With 20 started a fire to travel and never stopped. As a 22-Year-old she hitch-hiked with a tent and backpack through Africa, in 2016 in the seven months alone around the world. She became a Nomad. A simple life in Switzerland, they are even easier to travel. “I’ll sleep, and in ten sleeping rooms of backpacker hotels.” In Bali, she became a pet sitter – a Villa with a Pool as a reward for the Beware of dog puppies. In the interview for your next Job the home owner asked: “Can you travel with five dogs on the Scooter?”

The pans you keep

After the phone call in Sicily was reduced to fire their belongings. She quit her “dream job” in the “NZZ on Sunday”, gave up her apartment in favour of the Mini-WG and gave away over half of their possessions, and their four bikes. In addition to the pans and the bed is still a Klappervelo and a warm jacket are all that’s left. “The Release at the age of 44 years was the Sensible thing to do for a long time,” she says. The TV is a refugee dragged beaming from her old apartment. “With every piece of furniture that is way, I gain a piece of freedom.” In your romanticised idea of you even think, without a fixed place of absolute freedom seat to win.

What Christine needs a fire, a power connection and Internet. The Thriller “Blind” is established on five continents. On the blue waters of Lake Tekapo on new Zealand’s South island, in Havana, in India. And on Zanzibar, at the table in the café on the beach. On the island they had a room for less than five francs a day with a bed, chest of drawers and a hose as a shower in the shared bathroom. The Internet is a luxury. But you always had to Google it again. For example, if the Restaurant is in the latest case is really a chandelier.

their Plots, a fire developed on the loved one while Jogging. Because she has crossed some years ago, on the Limmat, Roger Köppel. In “Blind”, he appears as the SVP national councillor Kopp, the investigative TV journalist would have asked the loved one to the hook, so he plops into the river Limmat. In Zanzibar it is too hot for Jogging. “I had to learn to develop my stories with a Swim in the sea.”

With 20 years ago, has started a fire to travel and never stopped.

Vernissage in Switzerland is next Tuesday in Bern, on Wednesday in Zurich. Readings and Cüplipartys not let holding of Zanzibar Dating back to beam over. “Blind” is printed in a large edition as the top title. In Germany advertising is running. Fire is also invited to the Leipzig book fair.

The basic idea of the “Blind” is not surprising. The blind Nathaniel needs his mobile phone App “Be My Eyes”. This connects the Blind with sighted via video chat, the Blind can ask someone if the cheese has been exceeded in the fridge for the expiry date. As Nathaniel must select a shirt, he connected with a woman, anonymous. This looks him the blue one. Nathaniel asks the woman to your hair color. “Dark blonde,” joins this hectic. Then Nathaniel hears a high-pitched Screech and a rumble, as if a sack of potatoes on the floor. The connection aborts.

Nathaniel’s for sure: Something Bad is going to happen. But no one believes him, there is no evidence, no trace. The bustling Zurich TV reporter, Milla Nova, and her friend, the Bern police officer Sandro Bandini, try to help him. Author Brand draws from her experiences as a TV reporter, a court reporter, as well as from Berne and Choice from Zurich. And from your encounter with a Blind man. She had tried the App once myself and knew: “This is the idea for my next Thriller.” Brand writes loose and liquid, the voltage holds up at the end.

their next crime Christine Brand has been almost finished, with the same personnel. And for the third in the Blanvalet publishing house of the Plot. Would like to write to you in Indonesia, Peru, India or Zanzibar. “My next dream would be,” says Brand, “that is “Blind” in English would be translated, for all my friends out there in the world.” The rights for the Translation are reserved by the publisher, any film rights with her.

Christine Brand, “Blind”, 448 p., publishing house Blanvalet, 21.90 Fr. Vernissage: 13. March, 19, Sphères Bar, Hardturmstrasse 66. (editor-in-Tamedia)

Created: 07.03.2019, 06:35 PM