”The last 15 years has Facebook and Instagram helped to bring people together with friends, groups and interests in the digital equivalent of a square. But people want to increasingly connect private or in the digital equivalent of a living room,” writes Zuckerberg in a blog post.

He opens up to Facebook in the future will offer the ability for users to make time-limited posts and divisions, as well as for more opportunities to encrypted communication in a variety of forms.

be comfortable with being themselves, and should not have to worry about it the parts will come back and hurt them later,” writes Mark Zuckerberg.

According to the 34-year-old mångmiljardären to Facebook – which rocked by several scandals around leaked information the past few years – getting better at protecting user data.

”There is also a growing concern that the technology centralizes power to the state governments and companies like ours”, he writes.

Read more: Digidöden affects media when Facebook change the rules of the game