little more than two weeks, Thomas Häberli enjoyed what he calls “Berner day”. He met friends, and he has Bern a lot, he once spent 13 years in the case of YB. When he returned back to Lucerne of Ballwil, before he took to himself, “a second Bernese day” to turn on as soon as possible. There were still some with whom he had met. But due to recent events, he had to postpone the next visit for an indefinite period of time.

Remo Meyer called him the head of sports of the FC Luzern was on trainer search. Häberli was since the beginning of the year, without employment, at FC Basel, but still on the payroll until 2020. He would be able to afford financially, all is quiet. Only: he didn’t want to, especially when this offer came. “This is my Chance,” he says.

that’s Why Häberli now no holiday with side trips to Bern, but on the training ground behind the swisspor arena. And gives commands. “We have high standards!”, he calls out to his players, “we’ll take it!” Or: “Without communication there is nothing.” He is clearly in the announcement, with a strong voice and in various languages he is, what he wants explained.

“The boys enormous will show. It’ll be fine.”Thomas Häberli is on his players at FC Luzern

As the unit to the end, he concludes: “The guys show enormous will. It’ll be fine.” At the edge of the field Neuenschwander belongs to Willy to the observers, he once promoted Häberli as a player: “He meets so many requirements that I’m not Worried about that: I wouldn’t put it past him the breakthrough as a coach in the Super League.”

The Director is striker

Häberli is an Optimist, and had to be 44, until the opportunity presented itself to enter the big stage. But he has not the feeling to have missed something, he says: “I needed time to fill my backpack. I’m prepared now.”

There are words that remind us of YB-Gerardo Seoane. At a young age Häberli is a talented striker from the Lucerne lake valley, pulling with 20 in the Western part of Switzerland. Lausanne gives him a one-year contract, but the cooperation is terminated after six months. Häberli plagues back problems that supposedly can only be remedied with surgery.

but is convinced that no intervention is necessary, and beckons. At the same time, he adopted the idea of becoming a professional. Häberli kicks now at the Amateur level, and works in the office of an insurance company in Lucerne, Switzerland. To Schötz catches up with him, 23 he is already a fine technician, a tens, a Director. But at the Lucerne club coach Neuenschwander to work him to a striker, he sees in him more of the Sprinter as the a lot of runners.

And the move sits. Häberli shoot gate to gate and takes a step-by-step: from the 1. League in the Challenge League for SC Kriens, on to FC Basel, a year and a half later, YB. There he comes in the summer of 2000, where he finished after nine years of his career. He is not just anyone who happens to be landed in Bern, but a popular figure (see second text).

The football have made him just another human like the Jobs he had in the Business – as assistant coach, Junior coach, talent Manager, or game developer in Bern and Basel. “He belonged with his individual class of the dominant figures on the pitch,” says Neuenschwander, “but he was always team-oriented. About him, everybody said the same thing: He is simply a fine man. And for me as a coach, he was one of the easiest to maintain of all.” It happened that Häberli with a cargo of Cevapcici showed up in the Training and spontaneously to a barbecue for the team organized.

Häberli nevertheless, also in the new function value to the correct handling and knows that he must make the Decisions in the chief role is also unpleasant. But this is one of those areas that he has in the past years. At the University of applied Sciences in Olten, he has completed a three-year study with the Master in Coaching. He wants to offer solutions and players do better, without a gruff commanding tone to strike. “Emotions are the key,” he says, “I must create to convince with arguments. And to delight.”

The learning desire

From some of the coaches he has learned and from the exchange of benefits. In this context, names such as Urs Fischer, and Raphael Wicky fall. Häberli reads a lot about Coaching, or the history of a great coach, he is impressed by one of Carlo Ancelotti, delivered in four big leagues in Europe, successful work. He draws inspiration from many of the people who are not in Public and not in the football at home. Häberli’s sucking in everything that could make him better, he says: “As a coach, you’re always in front of unprecedented challenges, I need to be prepared.”

“As a coach, you’re always in front of unprecedented challenges, I need to be prepared.”Thomas Häberli

On Wednesday the challenge is to insist, against his old love. YB will perform in the Cup quarter-final in Lucerne, and Häberli hides his past for a few hours: “I am looking forward to the evening.” For the time being, his contract expires at the end of June, what is then, he knows not. Nothing but: “I can show what I can do. And if that is good enough, is it automatically a sequel.”

The Start is done: A 1:1 FC Zurich 3:1 against grasshoppers in Zurich. A win against Young Boys would be still no guarantee that the Lucerne do with him, but the next strong Argument. And in this case, the young trainer would have to make in other ways, too: He is likely to be in Bern certainly still look. (

Created: 05.03.2019, 11:32 PM