Since 1996, the annual Franchise has been increased twice, most recently 15 years ago, to today’s 300 francs. Adaptation to increased health cost is, therefore, justified. However, it will not take to the planned increase from 2021 up to the next 50-franc-step back for so long. The new law provides for an automatic lifting of the Franchise every three to four years, 50 Swiss francs. Well possible, that the minimum franchise by 2030, to 500 francs. And it is according to the will of the national Council’s health Commission, it will be increased on 500 francs, before the machine starts.

in fact, 50 Swiss francs are more Franchise for the most portable. However, it will make the civil health politicians to simply, if you increase, under the title of self-responsibility, the participation of patients is steadily increasing. Because what counts for them is the overall burden of health insurance. Since 1996, wages not nearly have doubled the premiums more than that. Therefore, the load for a portion of the Insured has reached the limit of what is Reasonable.

The Swiss health care system is very good. All have access to all available therapies. However, the insurance benefits due to the mandatory increase in the share of the Insured only. Already today tens of thousands of choose the maximum franchise of 2500 Swiss francs, not because they are cost – and health-conscious, but because they could not afford the premiums otherwise. The result is that you can no longer pay in case of illness the Franchise.

It is therefore good that the SP against the increase, which relates to all levels of Franchise, to take the Referendum. The health politicians want a majority, you need to demonstrate to the people at the same time, the cost of a recipe to combat the rising health care and premiums. And especially in German-speaking Switzerland, the cantons have to finally make sure that low-income earners adequate premium reduction.

(editing Tamedia)

Created: 05.03.2019, 16:16 PM