Overall they found the philippine border police 1.526 live turtles in suitcases abandoned on the airport. Among other things, there were the animals of the species stjärnsköldpadda, rödfotad skogssköldpadda, african sporrsköldpadda and rödörad vattensköldpadda.

in Addition, there have been rare and protected species among the turtles that were found in your luggage, writes The Guardian.

live load came from Hong kong with a filipino traveler and submitted at the Ninoy Aquino international airport in Manila, the head of the local police.

Police suspect that the luggage was left in the arrivals hall on the grounds of the Philippine high penalties for the smuggling of wild animals, reports the BBC. The one who transported the turtles to the country risk up to two years in prison and upwards of 200,000 philippine pesos, approximately 35,000 Swedish kronor in fines.

Image 1 of 2 Photo: the Bureau of Customs later vacated the title Slide 2 of 2 Photo: the Bureau of Customs later vacated the title Slide show

on the turtles as pets, as food and as traditional medicine in some asian countries. Animal value is estimated by the police to 4.5 million philippine pesos, which corresponds approximately to a capacity of 800,000 Swedish kronor.

”In 2018, customs have seized more than 560 wild and extinct species, which sometimes 250 geckos, 254 koraldjur and other reptiles,” writes the customs at the Ninoy Aquino international airport on Facebook.

Photo: Bureau of Customs later vacated the title

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