Cheaper, it was probably not it. Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer made a “Stockach-based fool’s court”, a carnival event in Baden-Württemberg, a joke about inter-sexual people. That was not even on Thursday, only that it is noticed first of all, any, finally, the Stockach-based fool’s court is just a world event. The weekend was a video of your performance area is divided in many cases in social media. In her defense speech in front of the fool’s court, the CDU leader is trying to scoff at supposedly effeminate men. Which is why women are self-employed, she asks herself. And answers himself: “Look at the men of today. Who was because of you recently in Berlin? As you can see, but the Latte-Macchiato-group, the insertion of the toilets for the third gender.” Then she sits seemingly inter-sexuality with the question of whether a man stands while peeing or sitting: “This is for the men who still don’t know whether or not you may still have to stand when you pee or sit. This toilet is in between.” (sic)

Yes, also in the carnival of the Dignity of man is inviolable

Whether it was the same intention-setting, or a (not less unlustiger) men-victim of a joke, quite clear. The speech, overall, is full of references against the previous dominance of men in the CDU as well as in the fools of the court itself, with jokes about Friedrich Merz, the Andean Pact, its role as the successor to a Chancellor-in (here is the whole speech on Youtube). However, it also contains tips against the anti-discrimination struggle and the political correctness. And, thus, the CDU leader revived a debate that had started with their self, as Cologne’s “comedian” Bernd Steltner made about women with double names funny: the carnival Is a kind of zone of Exception, in which the rules of the democratic discourse do not apply, such as the prohibition of discrimination?

The answer is simple: no, there can be no exceptions. It may also not be limited in time, and under elevated level – no zones where it is OK to make sexual or ethnic minorities to be funny or to Express sexist or racist. Also in the carnival, the Dignity of the Individual must be protected. Or better: Just in the carnival and against the leg of the extractor knock in the Alcohol, against the chauvinistic reflexes of be chic Erten drinking brothers and sisters, against their strange humour and a reduction cravings. The Dignity of the human person is an absolute Good, it just needs to be there, where it is difficult.

As political-strategic positioning AKKs speech is still interesting, forcing you once, briefly, to the analytical view.

Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer in her speech at the Stockach-based fool’s court in Berlin against the province from

the ACC is just going to unite their party after the turmoil over the candidacy of Friedrich Merz and to create a broad Basis for the Chancellor candidacy, within the CDU, but also in a wide range of voters milieu. To those who wants to bind you and must women on the one hand, and a green-and-black voters. AKK stands for the parity, is critical of the few women m the Bundestag, wooing influential women at the Munich security conference, and has just interview last weekend, a Double with Green party leader Katrin Göring-Eckardt is given, in which she said that we could “very well” and should be “ready to talk”.

Now she needed apparently, once again, a Happerl, you could throw the right-more conservative part of their base. It’s downright amazing how many Signal words Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer alone in the small section of your hand-made speech, and in the haunts now through social media: The keywords are “Latte-Macchiato-group”, “Berlin” and “toilet for the third sex”. It codes for the crazy universe of liberal Spinner, to stylized the the capital in the province is from politicians who want to mind is curry favor to a supposedly healthy people. You have to take in purchase in order for the Retro-strengthen Show, would establish the exception zone carnival back in Germany and 365 days in a year.

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Fastnacht in Baden-Württemberg Kramp-Karrenbauer sexual, funny

spicy sausage

This is cheap of power on the inter, because it claims a division, which there is not in this extent. Neither the province is so retro, yet Berlin is so loopy after all.