This Sunday, the Ligue 1 meeting between Montpellier and Clermont was definitively stopped. Auvergne goalkeeper Mory Diaw collapsed after receiving a firecracker on the head during the match. The perpetrator of the firecracker throwing, who was drunk, was immediately identified, arrested and taken into police custody.

But this Sunday, Clermont Foot 63 published a press release in which it indicated that it was filing a complaint against the author of the jet. “Clermont Foot 63 firmly condemns this unspeakable act and has decided to file a complaint against the author of this act.”

“After carrying out additional examinations this morning, Mory Diaw was authorized by Clermont Foot 63 to respond favorably to the summons of the Senegalese selection, first explained the club. Before adding: in order to monitor the state of health of its player, the club will remain in close contact with the doctor of the Senegalese federation.

After the meeting, Clermont coach Johan Gastien also had a rant. “I’m disappointed with football, with how big it is for a football match. It shocks me, in 15 years of career I have never seen that. This shouldn’t happen, it’s a football game. We are not safe, we must take action. We are parents, we are afraid. I don’t want to go onto a field to be afraid.”