the Man was suspected then the police made a so-called familjesökning on the dna from the rapist.

the Rape in september 1995, was highly acclaimed. The girl rode home from school in Billdal, in the south of Gothenburg, when she is mugged by a man. He pulled her into a wood, where she was beaten and raped. She was later found at a bus stop.

witnesses to the attack, but the rapist had left the dna trace behind. The police topsade approximately 350 people in the investigation without getting hit.

Since the new year, may the police make a familjesökning in the dna-registry, then with a certain dna, looking for possible relatives. The tracks led to the 58-year-old man and he was called to the topsning, but never showed up. The police went to his residence, but the man was not at home.

After investigations arrested the man in western Sweden Thursday. A new test showed that it was his dna that was found on the girl.