Impudent, worrying and anti-semitic. So says The Jewish Community in Denmark and jewish Sanne Cigale Benmouyal on a variety of quotes, where Kasi-Jesper lashing out at jews as well as the jutes.

Kasi-Jesper, who goes by the civil name is Jesper Nielsen, comes with the statements in the book ‘Kasi-Jesper’s struggle’, which was released Thursday.

In the book he says, among other things, that he will not negotiate with the jutes, since he believes that ‘many of them are some cheats’.

‘It is with pain, as with the jews (…) they take no risks, they must have their lawyers and all sorts of appearance, and so they actually do not care if you earn the money.’

Kasi-Jesper complement the statements with some broad generalizations about the jutes:

‘They are skilled businessmen, but many of them are some real cheats’

’the scottish parliament have just gone on the same business over in Herning, where they will learn that it is about to cheat each other.’

Sanne Cigale Benmouyal, who is the protagonist of DR2-series ‘Jew!’, says that she first thought to Kasi-Jesper’s speech was satire, but it quickly went up for her, that it was not the case.

– I think, indeed, that either he historieløs, or is he rude. And I’m also from denmark, so I feel double-taken, says Sanne Cigale Benmouyal.

– He have not informed himself in history – or has he, but then he really is deeply unpleasant.

Sanne Cigale Benmouyal was known, when she in the DR2-series ‘Jew!’ among other things told about how to become harassed as a jew in Denmark. Private.

Kasi-Jesper’s opinions stands for Sanne Cigale Benmouyal directly antisemitistiske.

– If there is a distinction between racism and anti-semitism – which I really think you should try to do, for it is two different diseases, and there is not one of them, which is more important than the other – so is anti-semitism in its purest form, says she.

– It has nothing with Israel to do, it has nothing to with delingspolitik to do, and it has nothing to do with a country, you don’t like it. There is not anything political, where one can say ‘it has In the right’. It is pure anti-semitism.

At The Jewish Society in Denmark considers president Dan Rosenberg Asmussen, the statements in the Kasi-Jesper’s book problematic.

– It is worrying that he comes with the kind of comments. He is to breathe to a number of anti-semitic prejudices and stereotypes, which has been in existence for several hundred years, says Dan Rosenberg Asmussen.

– It may surprise us that the comment has not been stopped anything before. Either by Jesper Nielsen himself, when he has read the book through, or by the author. It is worrying that it is something all the way to the tightness.

Sanne Cigale Benmouyal stresses that we as a society must say, from the face of the opinions as Kasi-Jesper’s, although the tone of the public debate in general is tough.

– We have a society where we say the most about the most, and it has become a ‘new normal’. Maybe I say ‘new normal’, but don’t get used to it. We have to shout the guard of the gun. We must stir ourselves up every time, and it may not be normal, she concludes.