There is laid up for juicy revelations, when Donald Trumps former lawyer, Michael Cohen, on Wednesday spoke at a public hearing in the US Congress.

According to multiple media will Cohen, 52, in charge of the u.s. president to lie and cheat – and possibly also to have committed criminal acts.

– I am looking forward to tomorrow, where I am with my own voice will tell the american people my story, he says to the press.

Michael cohen’s hearing is an offshoot of the hush-hush payment to two women who claim that they have had an affair with Trump. The payment took place shortly before the u.s. presidential election in 2016.

But there can also be new and explosive information on the way, reports CBS News and the Wall Street Journal.

Michael Cohen made the Tuesday testimony behind closed doors. Tomorrow he will explain himself in public. Photo: Reuters

Michael Cohen, according to media to present the documents, prepared by the Trumps auditor, which can implicate the president in tax fraud.

If this is the case, it can give congress new ammunition in their efforts to get published Trumps skattepapirer, as he so far has kept private in violation of the normal procedure for a sitting president.

Cohen, who for years was Donald Trumps loyal problem solver, has been sentenced to prison because he lied to the congressional efterretningsudvalg in 2017.

Cohen lied about the timeline in the context of a large-scale construction project in Russia, the Trump Tower Moscow.

Cohen said that the project was abandoned in January 2016, although the negotiations on the project allegedly continued long into the year. Trump promised during the election campaign, that he had economic interests in Russia.

president of the UNITED states, Donald Trump, is located in Vietnam, while Michael Cohen testifies at a public hearing in Washington. Photo: AFP

The White House has laid out a tough line ahead of Michael cohen’s consultation.

– It is laughable that anyone would rely on a convicted løgners words and pathetic to give him yet another opportunity to spread these lies, says spokeswoman in The White House, Sarah Sanders.

cohen’s hearing in the oversight and reformudvalget is expected to last about ten hours, where he will be grilled by both democrats and republicans.

– We will be extremely careful, ” says the republican senator and committee chairman Richard Burr to the press.

cohen’s hearing has been repeatedly postponed, because he felt that mr Trump threatened both him and his family. Trump in a tweet in december called Cohen for the ‘rat’ (rat, red.), which is mafiajargon for telltale.

a Few hours before the consultation took a republican kongresmand also Twitter in a possible attempt to intimidate Cohen.

‘Hey Michael Cohen – know your wife and father-in-law to your mistresses? Maybe tonight is a good time for the talk. I wonder if she will be true to thee, while you are in prison. She will soon hear a lot of…’, writes republican Matt Gaetz.

A tweet from republican Matt Gaetz.


The us president is burdened by a number of cases arising out of specialanklager Robert müller’s Russia survey. Read about møgsagerne here:

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