“Mortal enemies and nuclear weapons are an unfortunate combination”

“That India bombing Pakistan is a fact that should make the blood freeze to ice in the veins of the leaders of the world.”

“the Countries have two things in common. They are dödfiender and has nuclear weapons.”

“An unfortunate combination. No one else in the world considered the risk of a nuclear war will be greater than this.”

“in India in the night and released the bombs over the pakistani part of Kashmir, it was a carefully considered action. In response to the terrorist attack that nearly two weeks ago killing over 40 indian soldiers in the indian-controlled part of Kashmir.”

“The terrorist group that took responsibility for the deadliest attack in decades, Jaish-e-Mohammad, have their bases in Pakistan. They, together with a number of other terrorist group, operating out of the pakistani government’s good memory to keep alive Pakistan’s demands to take over the entire state of Kashmir.”

“Normally it’s about minor attacks on indian soldiers and arméförläggningar, a low intensity terrorkrig has been going on for decades.”

“But the last attack was so extensive and fatal to India’s prime minister Narendra Modi felt compelled to act. Not least because he does not want to seem weak ahead of the general elections in India held in april.”

“He wants to act forcefully but without starting a war with Pakistan. Why was he twelve days of India’s revenge and the plan. ”

“Stepping up the conflict”

“India’s claim, but that so far have presented no evidence, that large quantities of militant islamists were killed, while Pakistan claims that the oldest did not require any sacrifice at all. At the same time that Pakistan now says it will answer India’s attack.”

“Ordkriget is expected. Now it is a question of the degree to which Pakistan intends to step up the conflict.”

“Both countries claim the entire Kashmir region and have fought several wars about the field of practice independence in 1947. Today, there is a stilleståndslinje forming a provisional limit, but a peace agreement is missing. At the same time, there are groups fighting for an independent Kashmir. It is the only state in India where a majority are muslims.”

“Pakistan and India has also a history full of hatred. The bitter feelings whipped on by religious fanaticism. India is dominated by hindus while Pakistan is muslim.”

“Social media is exacerbating the situation. In the day produced fake news and images on both sides stoking the flames of hatred further.”

“As a dark, intimidating shadow behind everything is the fact that both countries have nuclear weapons. Both bought in the 90s in the battle against the international community’s will, even if India did its first testing as early as 1974. Both wanted to deter the other from invading.”

“Since the first provsprängningarna, both sides have invested huge money and resources on developing their weapons and build on the arsenal. According to the stockholm-based institute of peace Sipri, Pakistan has today 140-150 nuclear weapons and India 130-140. More than enough to put the whole of south Asia in ruins. Yet it continues both to acquire more.”

“they have been doing in the quiet because the outside world has been totally focused on another threat, the north Korean nuclear weapons. Yet most experts agree that the risk of a nuclear war is the greatest between India and Pakistan.”

“the Realization of the risk of mutual annihilation makes none of the countries want to have any nuclear war. But the weapons are there and if the conflict escalates, it is not possible to disregard the risk that they in no mode going to use.”

“Modi has strong nationalist forces behind him who would like to wipe out Pakistan. In Pakistan is the politicians in the not-so-small subject in the hands of the military whose entire world view is driven by the hostility towards India.”

“Would the feelings take over, anything can happen.”