A television crew has been detained in the Venezuelan presidential Palace, according to their own information, hours, after a Reporter President Nicolas Maduro was annoyed with critical questions. Maduro would not have liked the questions in an Interview, reported Spanish-language U.S. television channel Univision on Monday (local time). He had canceled the Interview, the equipment of the six-member Crew were seized and the journalists at the presidential Palace.

The Team, headed by Reporter Jorge Ramos had only been after almost three hours of released, said Univision. Ramos reported that he had shown to the Venezuelan President in the Interview recordings, which was, as the kids are on the search for something Edible in the garbage rummaging.

“I asked him if he was not a President or a dictator, because millions of Venezuelans see him as a legitimate President,” said the Reporter. Subsequently, Maduro had aborted the conversation and left.

Four Dead and hundreds injured

In Venezuela rages on for weeks, a power struggle between Maduro and opposition leader Juan Guaidó, who was declared a month ago, the interim President. The confrontation came to a head at the weekend dramatically, as Venezuela’s security forces with violence against opposition supporters went in, attempted to aid deliveries from abroad bring into the country.

On the border with Brazil, four people were killed in clashes with security forces. On the border with Colombia, hundreds of people were injured.

Maduro can be based largely on the support of the Venezuelan military. According to the Colombian immigration authorities have deserted in the past few days, however, 270 Venezuelan security forces. The army is an important power factor in the South American crisis of the state. (sep/AFP)

Created: 26.02.2019, 10:10 PM