the Government speaks with two tongues of family reunification: on the one hand, open it up for the refugees to get reunion with their families, but on the other side, put it up to a complicated and pricey søknadsprosess which in some cases is impossible to implement without risking their lives.

According to a new instruction from the government is the ban on the embassies, which can receive applications for family reunification. It means that a person from Eritrea, which before could take legally to the neighbouring Ethiopia to apply for family reunification, must now go on a perilous journey to cross the border illegally to Sudan to search from there.

because of the political situation in Eritrea, Norway has neither utenriksstasjon or mottakskontor for applications in Eritrea. The situation in the country is also the reason why many eritreere get asylum on basis of persecution. Because Norwegian authorities are not present in Eritrea is many have to go to a third country to seek reunion with family members who have been granted residency in Norway. To seek family reunification is something they have the right on.

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The new proxy restricts eritreeres opportunity to promote the application of reunification at the embassy in a neighbouring country, Ethiopia. Now need more and more to travel on to Sudan to promote the application from there. The difference on going to Ethiopia and Sudan is for the most eritreere enormous. Those who come from Eritrea can only travel to the Sudan by crossing the state border illegally. In many cases, have family in Norway lost contact with those who have to travel all the way to Sudan, and they have not managed to resume contact.

In addition to tightening on which embassies can receive the application for family reunification, jobs, the government deliberately in order to make the process of reunification very complicated. To start a process of reunification have a fee of 10 500 money be paid within the first six months after the person has received refugee status. Most live still on the receipt, with no job or income.

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Many refugees tell that they are depressed and troubles for the circumstances of life for the family outside of the Uk. Some have to work black or borrowing money from lånehaier – to be able to pay søknadsgebyret. Others, who do not reach time limits, must meet a inntektskrav to start the application process. They will be forced out of school and into the lavinntektsjobber. This is because most people opt for the quickest way to get the family to safety.

To be involved in long and complex processes with the terror of the family and an economic claim hanging over them, do that many newly arrived refugees are struggling with the integration. The red Cross therefore considers that a simplified and efficient familiegjenforeningsprosess will provide better integration, more studies on the field also displays.

the Red Cross has for a long time expressed great concern for the consequences of policy for family reunification. Most of the refugees seeking family reunification have not been able or been willing to put their kids on a fragile boat across the Mediterranean sea. These are people who have received protection from war or persecution in Norway, while the family is in a war-torn homeland or in a refugee camp.

The open for family reunification on the one hand, but at the same time make the process so difficult that it is almost impossible to implement without risking their lives, for the Red Cross his vision, a narrowing of the fundamental rights.

If the Norwegian law gives the right to reunion with their spouse and children of refugees, must the practice be then. The red Cross believes that the government must facilitate quick and easy reunion without application fee, not a practice that requires that one must risk life and health, or that provides mental uhelse and worse condition for integration.

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