In the course of in one day life has once again been turned on its head for the previous Ap-deputy chairman Trond Giske.

A just over a year has passed since Giske went off as the deputy head of the Ap at the national level, after there had been several alerts about sexual harassment. Until yesterday evening suggested a lot on that Giske was now ready for a return to a central positions in the party.

Wednesday was Giske unanimously chosen as board member and member of the executive committee of the county Ap.

Thursday the evening came to VG with the startling news that the Labour party had received a new bekymringsmelding about Trond giske’s behaviour towards a young woman.

Friday , it is clear that Giske withdraws from the obligations inherent, at the same time as a unanimous nomination committee vraker him.

Giske: – Obvious that there is a power struggle

Bekymringsmeldingen Thursday came as a reaction on a six-seconds-long video clip the Newspaper chose to publish.

Trond Giske has not answered Dagbladet inquiries Thursday or Friday, but says the following to 21-news on TV 2 on Friday:

the Video does not have anything in the news media to do at all.

– Was pissed

the Video shows that the Giske hangs over the back of a woman in 20-years and keeps a hand around her hofteparti, while they dance in a few seconds, before Giske seemingly pull away. Both the smiles on the video, which according to VG was taken up by 02-time night of Saturday to Sunday at Bar Vulkan in Oslo.

Trond Giske demands apology from VG

In vg’s article from Thursday is the woman in the video quoted in one short sentence:

We danced and had enjoyable, so it was a bit much, so I and my friend went there, told the woman supposedly VG.

It was not, however, the woman alerted about the episode. It was the deputy leader of the union For Hospital and health Oslo, Knut Sandlie, who submitted bekymringsmeldingen.

– I was pissed when I saw the video. I think that to do not adult men, and in any case not people with positions of trust. Simple as that, said Sandlie to Dagbladet on Thursday night.

the party’s secretary Kjersti Stenseng received bekymringsmeldingen Wednesday this week. The same day was Giske unanimously chosen as board member and member of the executive committee of the county Ap.

“yesterday I got to see a deeply disturbing video clip. It showed Trond Giske, obviously drunk, in the process of beføle a young woman at a club in Oslo”, states inter alia in bekymringsmeldingen from the Sandlie.

“Ask Giske on where and what he did the night of Saturday to Sunday” – Need to sharpen itself

the Face of the Newspaper underlined Sandlie that it is a story with alerts against Giske said last year that he reacted so strongly when he saw the video.

– He must see to sharpen them. Really he should not have any elected office when he behaves so, said Sandlie.

the Newspaper has seen the video. In the course of the short clip, it is difficult to state that Giske is doing something against the woman’s will. What is it about the video that upset you?

Giske: – We have the leader we have, until we have a new

These young girls must be allowed to go on the city without having to be tafset on old pigs. It must be the rule, and it should we men start to stand up, he continued.

– nothing more than a dance

a few hours later, however, the matter turned on its head again.

The young woman who appears on the video spoke out to NRK, where she gave the clearly expressed that she did not recognized themselves in the manufacture of the case.

the Video looks worse than it was. It was nothing more than a dance. It was we who contacted him, not vice versa. It was nothing other than pleasant tone. We experienced it as okay and okay, and he went well from the nightspot before we did, she said to NRK.

the Women’s friend, who filmed the see also the video clip, draw a corresponding picture of the situation. It has not succeeded Dagbladet to get a comment from the woman on the video.

the Woman in Giske video to NRK: – Looks worse than it was

Trond Giske did not Dagbladet inquiries on Thursday night, but had the following comment to NRK on Thursday night:

This agrees with my opinion, and both my family and I are very grateful for the fact that the women have chosen to say so clearly know.

Giske went in afterwards and demanded an apology from the VG, which he believes has given a false representation of the events.

When the Newspaper contacted Sandlie after the woman had spoken to NRK, he wanted no longer to comment on the matter.

– No, I don’t have any comment to it, he said.

the Wreck

Yet as the case was at no time way added death.

Giske scrapped by the unanimous nomination committee: – is about the judgment

the Committee of the county Party held namely today an extraordinary conference call, which ended on the worst possible show for Giske.

A unanimous nomination committee the wreck of the former Ap-the deputy chair of both obligations inherent he was set to only two days earlier.

– It’s about judgment. With a background in it, we have chosen to not set the Sam as a member of the board fylkesstyret next weekend, ” says valgkomitéleder Jorodd Asphjell to Dagens Næringsliv.

Before it had, however, Giske even gone out and made it clear that he had given up the fight about a toppverv of the county Ap.

Støres doubt

Jonas Gahr Støre sore today also doubt whether giske’s political future at the top level.

– Can Giske few other key political positions in the future?

In real life is Trond Giske finished. It is the only Ap that does not realize the Comment

– Not that I look for me. Trust is something you must build over time. What has happened here has not strengthened it, answer Store.

Partilederen expresses great frustration that a new case with Trond Giske requires time and attention for the party.

Giske has not currently answered Dagbladet inquiries in the matter. Friday night asked, however, Giske up in the evening News on NRK, where he comments on the Støres statement like this:

I’m going to continue with politics. 2021, the next general election, is far away. But that Støre says it, it is not very surprising.

– the Obvious power struggle

In the interview with NRK makes Giske it clear that he believes himself the victim of a power struggle.

– It is obvious that there is a power struggle, when it sent an SMS with a threat that if I do not scrapped from the committee as will the VG be interested in a video. So I unanimously proposed, as ports of the same video in the VG and is a kjempesak completely without reason. It testify that it is a plan, and that there is a power struggle.

GISKE: Trond Giske spoke out on the evening News Friday night. Video: With permission from NRK Show more

As the Newspaper revealed earlier in the day, was Terje Ferstad from the trade union also involved in the case. He sent a SMS to the chairman of the committee that Giske experienced as a threat.

When NRK will know whether or not a person with giske’s history, where several young women have notified of the undesirable behavior, should not thanks no to to set up, answer Giske following:

There are no girls who have reported some undesirable behavior in this case. It is to be taken picture of together with some in the city, that I see as totally unproblematic. But it is clear it is easy to see that this was not a good idea. I would like to been the besides, but it wasn’t some world stuff that was ugreit for some.

He adds that he “certainly should say no,” and that “it was not a good idea”, but adds that he believes a “completely unproblematic five seconds long video” has been used to generate the case completely wrong.

Giske believes “a totally unproblematic five seconds long video” has been used to generate the case completely wrong.

Giske: – Obvious that there is a power struggle,

– A good adult known politician, with your story, who allow themselves to be photographed with young girls late into the night at a club in this way. You can understand that it’s unfortunate?

I understand in each case that it has been used for all it is worth. It was certainly not a good idea to say yes to the pictures, or to maybe be there at all. It, I understand. But it can not be so that if someone requests to be taken picture of with you, and you say yes and nothing happens that is ugreit, so it should be a great national issue. It is not a story at all, ” says Giske to rikskringkasteren, adding that he did not see any connection with the video and earlier varslingssaker against him.

Støre cast doubt on giske’s political future: – Can’t see it for me to Reject the Giske-case

the Labor party, confirms to Dagbladet on Friday, after dinner, that they reject the bekymringsmeldingen against Trond Giske, that the party received Wednesday.

the Video’s contents are illuminated and those who are depicted have even spoken out about the background and the content. Sandlis contacting the party office will not get anything more formal treatment. I refer otherwise to the conclusion the nomination committee of the county Party has drawn in the day, ” says secretary Kjersti Stenseng to the Newspaper.

Stenseng says she got bekymringsmeldingen from Knut Sandlie in the trade union on Wednesday night.

Stenseng says she contacted Sandlie Thursday to discuss bekymringsmeldinga.

Knut Sandlie has even reproduced the content in this e-mail to the media. I took contact with the Sandlie Thursday morning and asked him a few questions, as well as referred to our guidelines for the handling of cases and the various inquiries.

Ap reject the Giske-case