The supposed perpetrator who on Monday was arrested and charged with the murder of Bjørg Marie Skeisvoll Hereid in Haugesund, was yesterday ” I in four weeks. The man will undergo a full judisiell assessment, which means that his mental state should be assessed by professionals.

Erik Lea, the defender of the 48-year-old, believes the client is mentally ill.

Bjørg Marie Skeisvoll Hereid (67) was killed in Haugesund

It is also believed experts who examined the man in 2017. He was then charged with threats and the rape of a woman. In an early assessment of the man’s mental state at the time, could the experts do not rule out the possibility that he had developed “chronic psychotic condition regardless of the drugs”.

the Man is a well known figure in Haugesund charged rusmiljø. Conclusion in the judicial observation of the man was that he was psychotic at the time of the conditions in the indictment.


In a fengslingskjennelse called it that siktedes inhibitions against committing violence was revoked when he drug himself and that he had no insight into rusproblemet his.

be INVESTIGATED: Krimteknikere ensures slots at Our Savior’s cemetery in Haugesund. Photo: Referrer. Show more

In a tilleggsuttalelse from the experts, it was concluded that the man framstod as suitable for treatment, and that “shielding from risikosituasjoner” and that the optimal treatment would be able to reduce the likelihood of future violence, even if the “voldspotensialet” would still be present.

it was an to that the man would be forced to treatment. Then, two months later, was the case against him dismissed.


In 2018, namely the police with that evidence against 48-year-old is not held to the prosecution of intimidation and rape, informs the politiadvokat Thor Buberg to the Newspaper.

When the case was dismissed, fell also founded to serve a case on forced mental health care away, ” says Buberg, which is now påtaleansvarlig in drapssaken against the indicted 48-year-old from Haugesund.

the Man was released from custody. And since he has been on the loose. Until he Tuesday this week was arrested at Our Savior’s cemetery, charged with drapsforsøkt on the 67-year-old Bjørg Marie Skeisvoll Hereid that would lay the flowers on a familiegrav. She died later of the injuries, and the indictment was extended to felony murder. All indications are that she was a random victim.

Now 48-year-old again be examined by experts.

He agrees to varetektsfengsling, under the assumption that he is being transferred to a psychiatric institution, ” said defender Erik Lea to Dagbladet after fengslingsmøtet.

JAILED: Politiadvokat Thor Buberg in the South-West police district were granted varetektfengsling for the charged 48-year-old. Video: Ralf Lofstad and Øistein Norum Monsen/Dagbladet. Show more

Lea tells us that he has petitioned the 48-year-old transferred to the hospital and to judisiell the observation of two experts who have already been appointed.

– They will determine whether he is criminally insane. It happens, he is in compulsory mental health care and not jail, says defence counsel.

It charged the man sitting now ” I Haugesund prison. It is not clarified whether he should be transferred to a psychiatric hospital.

Concerned about

Director Randi Rosenqvist is a specialist in fengselspsykiatri. She has for many years worked with involuntary commitment and the changes within mental health care.

This is my fad. To be an extremely powerful documentary, so they are very strict legal criteria, and one must generally have a psychosis. The number of beds in the institutions just goes down. People should instead get care in their homes instead of specialist. Omsorgsansvaret is left to the municipalities, where there is almost no law to involuntary commitment, ” says Rosenqvist to the Newspaper.

WORRIED: Consultant Randi Rosenqvist is a specialist in fengselspsykiatri. Photo: Fredrik Varfjell / NTBscanpix Show more

Combined with increasingly stringent requirements for voluntary treatment, has done that in extreme cases have been events such as the murder and violence where psychiatry is a contributory cause.

For 60 years since they had 18 000 beds in mental helsevernet, now you have 3500. You took care of people in psychiatry in the past, but now this should happen on a voluntary basis in the municipalities where there are not the resources for this. We see from the prisons that it comes into a lot of very bad acting, but the prison is the only place they actually get to a locked door, ” says the superior, who is very concerned over the development.


Rosenqvist miss now is the political will to understand that there are people who must be taken care of in a way that makes sure they do not get the opportunity to exercise their destructive sides. She believes volunteering provides within treatment accorded too much weight.

The focus is not on the grensesettende care. Volunteering will of course be the goal, but need it very much and prolonged grensesettende structure to get there. I don’t know how charged in Haugesund, has been considered legal up against involuntary commitment, but it may thus have been a lack of long-term involuntary commitment. Theoretically, he could have been an extremely powerful documentary on a rusinstitusjon, but it is almost never used, says superior

Dagbladet has been in contact with Valen hospital, where the man has been hospitalized, but the hospital does not want to comment on the case and refers to the Centre of excellence for safety-legislative and fengselspsykiatri in Health Bergen.

– A sweet and caring teacher who cared about all