women at the top are the exception, especially in politics. The African policy suffers from the lack of Women: Only five of the more than 50 countries of the continent, a female head of state had in its post-colonial history. In Africa, cabinets and parliaments, women have played for decades a subordinate role; to this day they are in politics in almost every country in the minority.

But since some time, a new Generation of policies is visible. The year 2018 could come up with several sensations: In Mali, a Cabinet started its work, one-third of women. The most prominent new addition: foreign Minister Camissa Kamara (35). Rwanda has increased this year, the proportion of women in Parliament from 64 to 68 percent – a world record. In Ethiopia, the new Prime Minister, Abiy Ahmed presented a joint occupied Cabinet: 10 out of 20 Ministers are women. Rwanda followed the Ethiopian example, in the same week. Shortly thereafter, the Ethiopian Parliament Sahle-Work Zewde elected the first President of the country.

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Sahle-Work is currently the only female head of state in Africa. Heads of government such as the Ethiopian Prime emphasise that women would make their governments more efficient and less prone to corruption. Empirically, such hypotheses can be proven. According to a report by the American think tank Council on Foreign Relations, the political part of women have a positive impact on Post-conflict States. With more women in the government, the peace duration is extended; the likelihood that the state falls back into a civil war, decreases. The researchers explain this connection in order that the population’s trust in democratic institutions is growing, if the population as a whole, so also women, is represented in the government.

But why so much moves just in the past decade, Africa’s political stage? Experts attribute the gender change mainly to the political upheaval in the nineties. At that time, almost all African States were swept by a wave of democratisation. The generation change of policy has created new spaces for young Africans, and women in particular.

researchers have also found that it benefits women, when not only deputies, but also extra-parliamentary experts to Ministerial posts are eligible. Competent women need to overcome in this Form of recruitment so many hurdles. Even women can shape the policy, show the following portraits of African politicians.

Sahle-Work Zewde

Since October 2018 Sahle-Work Zewde of Ethiopia became the first President and the only current female head of state in Africa. Was born, the 68-Year-old in the capital, Addis Ababa, and later studied in France. Her diplomatic career began under the Communist military regime of Ethiopia in the eighties. In June, UN Secretary-General, António Guterres, made the Top-diplomat to the special representative of the African Union – a Post never before a woman had taken over. As President, Sahle-Work Zewde, has mainly a representative role. Nevertheless, your election is considered to be an important step. In her first speech before the Parliament, Sahle-Work admonition to the Ethiopians to keep the peace. And added: “If you believe, I have already spoken very much about women, then rest assured: I’ve only just begun.”

Kamissa Camara

you would also have to be able to in the USA or Europe to make a career, but Kamissa Camara was decided, in the country of origin of their parents to return. She is born in France and grew up, their parents are Malians. She studied foreign languages and international relations in France and was a Fellow at the centre for African studies at Harvard University, before she started as a policy Advisor. Their place of origin to a country, is difficult for her, so she once described himself as “an American woman who was raised in France by West African parents”. This Camara is one of those young, foreign-educated Africans, are considered to be the hope of the continent. Earlier, she says in Interviews, she helped the Western countries to understand the African politics. This view from the outside is likely to help her now in her new Position: With 35 years Camara was the first female foreign Minister of Mali. The challenges are great, the country is struggling with many unresolved conflicts.

Diane Rwigara

Of the elite industrial daughter to dissident: The 37-year-old Diane Rwigara is the most famous critic of Rwanda’s authoritarian President, Paul Kagame. The US-trained Economist, was once part of themselves to those circles that rose after the devastating genocide in 1994 to the new Elite of Rwanda. Her father, a successful entrepreneur, was regarded as a major funder of the ruling party, the RPF. His mysterious death in 2015, had to do with his daughter, that he had turned away from the RPF. Rwigara began to criticize the government publicly, in 2017, she wanted to compete, even against Kagame in the presidential elections. She was arrested. After more than a year in prison Diane Rwigara is again on free foot, a court in Kigali acquitted you of all charges. “I’m going to put my political journey,” she said after the acquittal. “There is still much to do in our country.”

Oby Ezekwesili

The Nigerian Oby Ezekwesili was the Minister of education of your country, the co-founder of Transparency International, Vice-President of the world Bank for Africa and much more. Now the 55-Year-old as a presidential candidate. “I’m going to end Nigeria’s politics of failure,” said Ezekwesili self-aware. Your chances of being the first President of Africa’s most populous country, are considered to be low. However, Ezekwesili, will not be intimidated: she was better than all the men in this race. Your boldness has made the Harvard graduate a few times already. Several times she was arrested because of their involvement – after their release again to continue.

Bogolo Kenewendo

As Bogolo Kenewendo in April 2018 for the Minister for investment, trade and industry of Botswana, was the 31 appointed-year-old trade economist, is the youngest Cabinet member, that there were in Botswana. Their appointment was hailed across the continent as a sign that young talents are coming to the train. Kenewendo first worked as a business consultant in Botswana, then as an expert in the Ghanaian Ministry of trade. As a Minister Kenewendo wants to lure foreign investors into the country, to the economic development of their home – one of the most democratic countries in Africa – to boost.

(editing Tamedia)

Created: 22.02.2019, 19:26 PM