Almost two years ago, since the former FBI Director Robert Mueller from the U.S. Department of justice as a special investigator for the enlightenment of Russia, the affair was used. Now the signs that Mueller’s investigation is going to end is growing in Washington. Various US media, including CNN and the Washington Post, reported on Wednesday, the Ministry of justice to prepare the Handover of Mueller’s Report, next week it could be.

however, caution is appropriate because of the media reported several times in the past about the supposedly imminent end of the investigation – and were wrong. However, Mueller’s staff of prosecutors and the assigned FBI agent is shrunk continuously, and last week dumped auxiliary forces in mountains of Files from the Buroräumen of the special investigator in Washington’s downtown.

report will not be published, funded completely

but What would happen in this case with ongoing proceedings against Donald trump’s the old Familiar Roger Stone, or the Russian company Concord, the pursuers, according to the U.S. criminal St. Petersburg Troll factory Internet Research Agency? Mueller could make this procedure easy for the Federal Prosecutor’s office in Washington, you could run the pending processes to the end.

will be published and In what Form the final report of the special investigator, is, however, uncertain. Despite the straight to the office, sworn Minister of justice, to William Barr, who will take the Report in reception, for “transparency”, but must keep a publication of the applicable “rules and laws”, says Barr.

images: The fallen Trump-adviser

Among other things, this means that there is no “night may be published-judicial” details about individuals who have made innocent of wrongdoing. The former FBI Director, James Comey had violated this basic rule of the U.S. Judicial system, as he complained about the democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton during the election campaign of 2016, because your dealing with confidential Emails in public, even though Clinton had not been accused.

Mueller’s final report about the negative, but not ultimate statements about trump’s adviser and son-in-law Jared Kushner, so these passages should not be published. Also confidentially, on intelligence “sources and methods” is based, for example, intercepted telephone calls or information of friendly services. In place of the whole Reports Barr, the judiciary Committee of the Congress will send a “cleaned” Version.

Democrats could Mueller subpoena

The President has praised his new Minister of justice, as a precaution, in the highest tones, a “huge man” Barr, Trump said on Wednesday. What was published was only a matter for the Minister of justice, Trump more. However, it is difficult to imagine that the American Public and the Congress of Democrats, with a greatly shortened or even “souped-up” final report, Mueller’s will be satisfied. The Democrats could go before the US courts and Mueller even a subpoena.

Should be relieved Trump, should be a comprehensive publication of the report, but also in the interest of the President. Insiders to the White house with increasing nervousness on the final report, even if Mueller has suffered no legally admissible evidence of a conspiracy of Trumps campaign staff with Moscow during the election campaign of 2016.

in New York, investigations

determine The guidelines of the Ministry of justice that a sitting President cannot be indicted, but could prepare Mueller’s Report, depending on the content of the President’s considerable political problems and democratic Opposition, and animate even the initiation of Impeachment proceedings. Especially since the investigation against Trump are by no means over. In Congress, the Democrats will take in a number of committees in the house of representatives of new investigations. And in New York, the Federal Prosecutor’s office determined against the President, his real estate company, as well as the financial background of the celebrations to trump’s presidential inauguration in January 2017.

that’s not enough, the attorney General of the state of New York is currently taking various aspects of trump’s financial management under the microscope, starting with the strange business of Trumps non-profit Foundation. Mueller’s final report did not mean “the end of the Beginning and not the beginning of the end,” says Neal Katyal for the Obama Administration as a senior process had a representative before the Supreme court. (Editorial Tamedia)

Created: 22.02.2019, 19:16 PM