Two men in april last year, having usurped to himself 3200 money, as well as the exercised violence and made threats against the offended person.

the Men in the 20-years is prosecuted under penal code section 327, which relates to robbery. The offense has a sentence of up to six years of imprisonment.

In the course of the next four months, the Oslo district court also treated several cases relating to violence against billettkontrollører.

So operates narkogjenger on the T-stations in the Oslo newspaper Dagbladet Plus “I kill you”

In the indictment, is it described that the gjerningspersonene shall have exercised violence against a man in a T-banevogn by the Castle in Oslo in april 2018.

The accused should have been offended in the ground, taken the stranglehold on him and come with serious threats like “give me everything you have or I’m sticking you in the stomach” and “I kill you”.

At a time, they should also have taken fornærmedes mobile phone, before one of them said:

“I kill you if you give me the wrong code.”

– Robbed to 3200 million

So should the offended have tried to leave the T-banevogna, to which he shall have been taken halsgrep on. At the T-stop on the Majorstua to the defendant to have kept the “something sharp” against his back and forced him to give up 3200 million in cash.

There is no stop between the Castle and the Majorstuen Metro station, and the journey is estimated to last about three minutes, according to the Square route planner.

Both men are also accused for a variety of offences. One of them is among other things accused of having sold marijuana to different people for 35 000.

the Newspaper has tried to get in contact with the latter’s defender with no luck. Dagbladet has also been in contact with the medtiltaltes defender, Halvard Helle, who did not want to comment on the case.

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In addition to ranshendelsen also a series of events that includes violence against billettkontrollører are treated in Oslo district court in the course of the next four months.

Dagbladet review of the five berammede the cases shows that three of the event took place at the bussreiser, one took place on a Subway ride away, while in one of tiltalene, it is not specified which means of transport voldshendelsen took place on.

Among voldshandlingene in tiltalene we find punches to the face, spitting, neck, and shoving. In all tiltalene be voldshandlingen in the context of billettkontroller.

Dagbladet has been in contact with Sporveien, who did not want to comment on the case.

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In addition, two persons convicted for violence against billettkontrollører since December of last year. One of them was sentenced to 45 days in prison, while the other was sentenced to 18 days jail.

In the latter’s court case goes forward that they believe straffenivået of violence against the especially exposed occupational groups are in line with violence against the public official.

In a høyesterettsbeslutning from June 2018 to be noted that of the ankeutvalget that violence against the public official shall meet with the prison, unless there are very special conditions.

In april, the Oslo district court also treat a case concerning violence against a engineer. According to the indictment to the defendant have turned one of the NSBs engineers with clenched fist in the face, so that the offended person sustained fractures in two teeth and a concussion.

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