children on the Baltic sea may still collect amber, in the French Region of Finistère, the Small offers, if the flow brings back yellow-brown tabby hard plastic.

Alone 2018, more than 200 Garfield were found-phones, or the parts of the cartoon cat on the beaches of Bretagne, as the station France Info reported. One should not imagine Garfield as a mobile phone case that is a veritable analog telephone with a spiral cord, keys, handset, and fork. The washed-up phones to cars, would you could wear the title of a vintage car, you are over 30 years old.

According to the environmental protection Association Ar Viltansou the Garfield-apparatus mostly in surprisingly good condition, paws, ears, tail, everything. More than two tons of garbage collect, the volunteers of Ar Viltansou every year on the 27-Kilometer-long section of the beach in the Finistère Region. Garfield belongs since years to the most popular finds, if the environmentalists are with school classes on the go. “For the children there is a hunt,” said a spokesman of Ar Viltansou to France Info. Has the euphoria about the Fund, can be explained on the basis of the cat, as comprising the world’s oceans are now littered. And that items that were once thrown into the sea, to be worn over decades or centuries of currents around the world.

peace thanks to the inability to

the Voice came Like Garfield in Brittany, could yet find no one. The company Paws, which distributes promotional items around the lasagna-loving animal, is to know nothing of a shipwreck with Garfield-freight. The phone itself is no longer produced since the 1980s. The older members of the club Ar Viltansou remember, however, that the plastic cats since soon 40 years at the beach.

it is Unclear what would Garfield even to the flotsam and Jetsam. The cat is an animal of the old Millennium, purely ideologically, Garfield Hedonists more of the 80s than the environmental movement attributable. He makes less on the state of the environment rather than on the content of his Futternapfs. The Only thing that gives him sometimes, the little mind of its owner, and the unshakable good humor of the little dog Odie. Since Garfield can not of his cynical thoughts to speak, the life of man, dog and cat largely peaceful.

(editing Tamedia)

Created: 20.02.2019, 22:34 PM