It is a scene that reveals a lot about the competition of the future. “At the end of our AI will fight against their AI, and the better will win,” says Robert Work, who was until July 2017, the number two in the US Department of defense. AI stands for artificial intelligence, “we” are Americans and “the” stands for China. Robert Work discussed at a Townhall-debate on the security conference, Microsoft President Brad Smith, and his words are meticulously recorded from two uniformed soldiers of the people’s liberation army, to sit in the audience and enjoy so much openness.

The question of the influence of KI in connection with the new mobile communications Standard, 5G on the global balance of power in the 21st century. Century is a recurring theme in the Bayerischer Hof. Work speaks, what members of the U.S. security community say, under the seal of secrecy, behind closed doors. It is also Autonomous weapons systems, progress of the face detection and the Meta-question, as ever-smarter machines from human control.

China is KI front

Agree all the military representatives and intelligence officers, however: on The topic of AI, China is located at the front of the art-duel, through the Knowledge of Huawei. And it is a fight “between autocratic countries and democracies”, where transparency and willingness to engage in dialogue apply also for the adversary.

Microsoft top Manager Smith came all the way from the Vatican to Munich, he has discussed with Pope Francis on the ethical questions around AI. The potential of which he compares with inventions such as electricity or the internal-combustion engine: “you will be everywhere and every part of our lives.” As a Tech-Optimist of the West coast, he believes that AI threats and blocked can be detected. For armies offer, also, with the AI as it is for companies – the opportunity to become more efficient and personnel costs.

With the 5G technology can be downloaded with up to 10,000 megabits per second of data, which makes up about Autonomous Driving possible. The safety-relevant aspects, explains a former U.S. General in the next room: “The huge question is: Who manages, in the future, the main raw material, namely, data?”

China is a rival, as the United States had stressed never

Also Brad Smith, the for 5G networks must be before the intervention and this will have consequences for the business with Russia or China: “When technology connects more with the military, then our market will be less global.” There is no contradiction, as the Moderator referred to the present, in reference to the “Sputnik Moment” of the late Fifties as “Huawei-Moment”: The West is in need of a Wake-up call to invest more in research to have the strongest opponents in the barriers. This place was once the Soviet Union sent the first satellite into space, but Robert’s Work highlights the differences: “China is a rival, the United States was A technological super power whose economy is soon greater than ours.”

In Europe, the debate is currently about whether or not you give in to the Urging of Washington and on the purchase of Huawei equipment omitted. The UK holds according to the Financial Times the risk for “controllable”. Who broadens the perspective, however, sees The EU and its members are ill-equipped.

Europe as to plünderndes “piggy Bank”

Helena Legarda from the Merics-Institute in Berlin and Meia Nouwens from the IISS think-tank, China’s “emerging dominance describe impressive” in many technology areas, which can be both civil as well as military use. In addition to AI it comes to robots, satellites, and super-fast quantum computer. Appropriate research will be promoted in the one-party state, intense and military. Already today, Beijing’s Budget is the second largest in the world. With the best conditions, Chinese scientists are to be brought in from the West.

Aptly, the researchers refer to inside Europe as a “piggy Bank” the people’s Republic of. It is easy to plunder, because the United States tightened export controls, and harshly reacted to the theft of intellectual property – the EU is lacking to such action, the “political will”. (Editorial Tamedia)

Created: 20.02.2019, 21:05 PM