It could just as well be a scene from the film ‘Lord of War’, but it is sheer reality.

instead of getting a bottle of wine or a box of expensive cigars during a state visit, the saudi crown prince Mohammed bin Salman: a gold-plated Heckler & Koch MP5 submachine gun, when he visited Pakistan on Monday.

It writes the u.s. media CNN.

In the film asks diktatorsønnen André Baptiste Jr. dealer shall communicate to the Yri Orlov, played by Nicolas Cage, about to procure the weapons, which Sylvester Stallone runs around with in the first film in the Rambo series – an AK 47, which also must be gold-plated, saith the prayer.

About the pakistani senators, who gave Saudi Arabia’s crown prince, the somewhat non-traditional gift, has been inspired by ‘Lord of War’, or whether the autocratic ruler bin Salman even wanted grease gun, must be unsaid, but the gift comes at a time when the 33-year-old crown prince has its back against the wall.

the 112 – 19. oct. 2018 – at. 06:46 Saudi crown prince under the accusation: He knew systemkritikers supposed murderers

Saudi Arabia’s de facto leader, is hard pressed by the outside world after the killing of the journalist Jamal Khashoggi, who was murdered on the saudi embassy in Turkey 2. October 2018.

In a telephone conversation with the president of the UNITED states Trump has Mohammed bin Hymn denied, that he has the least knowledge of the events.

But according to the New York Times u.s. intelligence agencies, convinced that the crown prince himself played an active role in the Khashoggis disappearance and subsequent death.

One of the strongest circumstantial evidence is the composition of the saudi arabian national team, which subsequently has been proven, beat Kashoggi killed at the embassy in Istanbul.

at Least four of the 15 men identified as members of the crown prince’s personal guard of bodyguards, and several of them have accompanied him on trips abroad, wrote the New York Times, among others, in the months after the killing.

the Article continues under the picture …

Mohammed bin Salman received a receipt, there is only one enerådig majesty worthy, when he landed in the pakistani capital, Islamabad. Both schools and public institutions held Monday closed due to the state visit. Photo: Ritzau Scanpix
charm offensive
Precisely the members of the crown prince’s bodyguard escorted on Monday, Saudi Arabia’s young leader to Pakistan, which is the first destination in a charm offensive in Asia, which will be used to improve Saudi Arabia’s currently tarnished reputation on the international scene.

in Addition, there must also be concluded economic agreements on the trip, which, in addition to Pakistan go past India and China. During the two days long visit to Pakistan, signed the crown prince trade agreements for well 130 billion.

During the state visit in China is expected the two countries to conclude a trade agreement of up to 300 billion dollars.

Politics – 20. oct. 2018 – at. 00:54 Saudi Arabia: Journalist’s death during the brawl at the consulate