While Alexander Zorniger for the longest time, the past is in Brøndby, the players and the new boston globe set on new times in the Area.

Wednesday featured only on a training session instead of the planned two.

– Right now it is not necessary to work out two times. The most important thing right now is that the players stand together on the field. They also make a social gathering on Wednesday. And it is important they have space for it, explains the temporary head coach, Martin Retov.

on Wednesday night have captain Benedikt Röcker total players for dinner and the Champions League.

– It is important we stand together in the situation we find ourselves in, he explains.

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Ebbe Sand and Martin Retov look for during Wednesday’s workout. Photo: Lars Poulsen

Martin Retov should neither ask the wife or go wrong, when Ebbe Sand offered him the job.

Brøndby is my club. I was not a second in doubt when the opportunity arose, he explains.

He was glad of it, he saw on the training field on Wednesday, where the mood was high and the smiles wide, while the spring sun peeped out.

– The main task for us is to create security and bring the fun of playing back. The players must find the joy and think that they have the world’s best job. They must have a sense of that they are skilled at what they do, explains Martin Retov and elaborates:

– It is limited what we can change in such a short time. It is the nuances of the game and a little tactical. But it is obvious that we should stabilize the defensive. We have closed too many goals.

– But it is my clear hope is that we get to see a different zest and attitude. The players know that it has not been good enough in the first two matches, he points out.

Martin Retov has an expectation that he jointly with Matthias Jaissle can repay the club’s two objectives for the season. First, a place in the top six and a place in the top three when the season is over.

– It is always a lot of pressure to be in a club like Brøndby. With the squad we have, I think in the top three, says Martin Retov, who also is betting on to defend pokaltitlen.

the Mood to be back in the Brøndby squad, which is now headed by Martin Retov (at the back) and Mathias Jaissle. Photo: Lars Poulsen

Brøndby – 18. feb. 2019 – at. 19:07 Zornigers last day: Goodbye with style

Sports and Games The seven pieces to Zornigers case