hookah Bars are sprouting like mushrooms from the ground. Alone in the city of Zurich you can smoke in 28 Local water pipes. Especially teenagers and young adults will love the community Smoking – not least because it is seen as less harmful, as it is the case for cigarettes.

A mistake, because the hookah smoke has the same harmful substances as cigarette smoke. And what most do not know that One Session of water pipe Smoking, from 45 to 60 minutes is equal to Smoking about 100 cigarettes, such as the poison advice centre, Tox Info Suisse on your Website writes.

Dangerous CO emissions

At the Shisha smoke arises also in the case of the combustion of the carbon, a large amount of carbon monoxide (CO). Tox Info Suisse has already registered some cases of CO-poisoning after hookah Smoking. The symptoms are nonspecific and therefore not be placed often with Smoking.

It comes to Nausea, vomiting, headache, and dizziness. 41 cases were reported, according to the “Sunday newspaper” since 2006, when Tox Info, where it came to Smoking problems in connection with the Shisha – and the trend is rising.

In Zurich, no cases of poisoning known.

In Germany have become known in recent months, due to high carbon monoxide levels in Shisha Bars, a number of incidents. In Hamburg should therefore ensure in the future a law for better protection of the visitors of hookah Bars in front of carbon monoxide poisoning. A corresponding presentation of the Senator for Health, Cornelia Prüfer-Storcks (SPD) was adopted by the Senate, the Parliament still needs to agree to it.

The law requires of hookah-Bar-operators technical protection devices and Warning equipment. The country observed cases of poisoning in these Bars show that visitors are exposed to significant health risks, reasoned the Senator, the new law.

regular inspections

In the 28 city of Zurich hookah Bars is the environmental and health protection Zurich (UGZ) for the control of ventilation is responsible. According to the UGZ spokeswoman Anke Poiger of the UGZ, the economic police control, the fire police and the labour Inspectorate of the facilities on a regular basis. The air measurements are made both in the non – Smoking as well as in the approved Smoking area (Fumoir). Binding legal basis, the Federal Smoking law for the protection against passive and the corresponding regulation. Who wants to open a hookah Bar, you must also submit an operating concept in which the constructional and operational measures held must be, with which the CO concentration is limited. This is also the maximum number of water pipes as well as the way the glowing coal for the pipe, and is transported to recycling is included.

According to Poiger in Zurich so far, no cases of poisoning in the hookah Bars are known. Also in the Zurich hospitals, one from waves: emergencies due to Shisha-consumer previously had to be treated. Lukas Furler, the Director of the Waidspitals admits, however, that it was a relatively new phenomenon, to which the Doctors are yet aware little. (Tages-Anzeiger)

Created: 20.02.2019, 10:58 PM