In the cosy little corner between Christiansborg palace and Copenhagen city Hall as a new political party on Tuesday, the day of light.

the 63-year-old Klaus Riskær Pedersen had invited to the press conference in the historic building Vartov – where Tycho Brahe in his time carried his observations on the remains of Absalom’s city wall, and where andelsbevægelsens the first stone was laid – to present his party, which carries the easily recognizable name Klaus Riskær Pedersen.

– I chose this place, because I associate it with the rest of the world – in a good way, ushered Klaus Riskær Pedersen to the press conference.

In the three months it succeed the former serial entrepreneur and bedrageridømte Riskær to collect 42.486 messages of support – of them are 20.196 converted to actual stemmeerklæringer, which now has made him and his party, which now consists of a total of four candidates, opstillingsberettiget to the Parliament.

” This has nothing to with celebritystatus or kendisfaktor to do. It is a sign that people want something new. And they are right. There must be something new. That is why I am here today. I am new to. That which is missing.

Klaus Riskær Pedersen will not place himself and his party on a left-right-scale. But ‘keep your head cold and heart warm’ is the party’s new slogan. Photo: Jonas Olufsson.

Dressed in a white shirt and otherwise completely in black, was the colorful spradebasse, as the 63-year-old Klaus Riskær Pedersen is otherwise known as far away.

He welcomed us, ushered in a 26-minute long speech with his eyes rigidly fixed in its talepapirer and looked like what he now is: a politician with an agenda.

My biggest task is to go new ways, think out of the box and shake up the political system.

‘Hold your head cool and your heart warm’, presented Klaus Riskær Pedersen is proud of its slogan.

However, vanished the smile from his lips, when it was pointed out that the phrase was genuinely in the prime minister Lars Løkke Rasmussen’s new year speech from three years ago. Just as it also is the title of an album by Leif Sylvester and a chorus in a Lis Sørensen song.

For a man whose most important task according to him is to revamp and shake-up in the Danish Parliament, it is remarkable how many platitudes, cliches and rehearsed slogans, which carried him through the press conference.

‘I’ve walked the walk’, he repeated again and again. Klaus Riskær Pedersen in other words, lived the life of good and evil – unlike the current elected representatives in parliament, to be understood.

the 63-year-old Klaus Riskær Pedersen is ready for the election campaign. But political commentator Henrik Qvortrup, believes that he already new shoots itself in the foot by unconditionally point to Lars Løkke Rasmussen. Photo: Jonas Olufsson.

– There is nothing wrong with the elected representatives. They are good, hard-working, well-educated menensker, but the system they are a part of, are locked.

– What you can not, in such a system, is innvoation and change. We know who has ‘walked the walk’ out in the real world, those of us who have made things.

Qvortrup: He shoots himself in the foot

the Tax system should be completely about. There must be free public transport to commuters, retirees and students. Young people must go through compulsory community service, the first two years of employment shall be tax-free, and so must be the creation of a climate fund, which should help to reform agriculture.

the guidelines are in place in the party Klaus Riskær Pedersen, as the man with the same name calls a ‘red letter project’. Where it exactly is located on the left-right scale, he will not answer, and when it comes to the substance of how things should be implemented, is partiformanden any longer in the saliva.

– He is built on platitudes – and it is typically something you use when you do not quite have mastered the content. He would like something else – but the ‘something’ is not concrete track.

– He speaks to the segment, as always, is out there. Namely, those that seem, to them at Christiansborg palace are some idiots. Those who sometimes votes on the Alternative, other times it is cool to vote on the most radical, was once Villy Søvndal cool – and now it’s so – maybe – Klaus Riskær, who can grasp them, believe Extra the Magazine’s political commentator Henrik Qvortrup.

The only thing Riskær at yesterday’s press conference was totally totally clear and concrete about, was who – if Riskær get something that should have been put on statsministertaburetten after the upcoming election.

– He points unconditionally on the Loop – and I don’t comprehend it. I think this scares many away. I think clearly, that he is selling himself in advance. It is me completely incomprehensible.

– There sit a great many who voted for the Alternative last, and thinking that it is good with a breath of fresh air – but when he saw the points on the Loop, they are enough of, ” says Qvortrup.

– Almost every questions at the press conference was about his past. It becomes a problem for him?

– I don’t believe It. But he should probably prepare for it. But I’m also sure that there is an audience for him, when he says ‘yes yes, I have done such and such – and I have taken my punishment. But what about them?’, while he points to the other politicians.

Only then was opened for questions from the floor, loosened the politician Riskær up and put talepapirerne away. He raised his eyes, created the eye contact and gestured with characteristically long arms, when his answer should be given special weight.

As it gradually dawned on Klaus Riskær, to the questions – delivered in many different guises – incessantly revolved around the same topic – his criminal past – so he immediately a little more tired out.

And if Riskær already tired of the questions now, he can look forward to a very grueling election campaign, which could last for 117 long days yet.