Alain Finkielkraut belonged to in the past year, very early on, to those who have subscribed to the Protest of the French “yellow West”. But now the philosopher said about the movement of the “gilets jaunes”, which now has less demand: “a sect has become, with the autism of a sect that refuses to learn outside of the sect.”

Finkielkrauts change has a reason. The son of a concentration camp Survivor had to leave last Saturday in Paris, during a Demonstration of the “yellow West” anti-Semitic insults endure. The insults have not only met him personally, but the whole of France. To set a sign against the increasing anti-Semitism in France, has called for a broad cross-party Alliance on Tuesday evening to demonstrations in Paris and other cities. “Ça suffit!” (“Enough!”) the Motto of the demonstrations.

anti-Semitism in France is not a new phenomenon. World-wide shock triggered in the year 1990, the desecration of a Jewish cemetery in the South of France, Carprentas. Also, at the time, 100,000 people in Paris, responded with a protest March from the Place de la République to the Place de la Bastille, the former head of state, François Mitterrand, was among the protesters.

After the verbal assault from last weekend, Finkielkraut argued that the anti-Semitism in France, had in the meantime a new face. The “yellow West”-representative who denounced the Jewish Intellectuals, appears to be coming from the Salafist scene, and the French safety authorities. In the case of men, the him last Saturday, threatened, had been a “pogrom atmosphere,” explained Finkielkraut.

Controversial Remarks during the suburban riots

The 69-Year-old is one of the French philosophers, which intervene regularly in the policy. Every Saturday morning Finkielkraut invites in the radio station “France Culture” guests and discuss with them, for example, the consequences of the Arab spring, or the cult of the writer Michel Houellebecq. Many on the Left in France, Finkielkraut is, however, as a red cloth. This is not least so that he has dealt with France’s immigrant children are always open to criticism. When it came in the year of 2005 to week-long riots by young people with North African roots in the suburbs, he spoke of an “ethnic-religious revolt”.

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Also that Finkielkraut was elected less than five years ago in the prestigious learned society, the Académie française, irritated many French. Shortly before this, Finkielkraut had published a book with the title, “The unhappy identity”, in which he spoke in the face of the immigration of a “national disintegration” of France.