the city of Stockholm came in 445 million in p-fines last year. With this year’s increase, expect the traffic to revenue for illegal parking lands on a half a billion, 505 million.

But the opposition demanded on Monday’s city council that the matter be sent back to the trafiknämnden for review. S, V and FI believes that the sharp rise of minor offences is excessive and only about to get more money.

” We have nothing against that, it costs 1.300 dollars to park trafikfarligt, when it is about life and death, but that it costs 1.100 sek for a tire shifted outside of the parking lot is bagatellartat. So small differences are not perceived as legitimate by locals, said Jan Valeskog (S).

for trafikfarliga wrongdoing is increased to 1,300 crowns, trafikhindrande offences to 1,100 crowns and an unpaid parking charge to sek 900. The fee is increased the most for lower offences.

– It is not reasonable to pay 1.100 bucks to come five minutes late to the parking lot. This can lead to poor compliance and rather reduce the respect for the park right. If it’s about pulling in more money and not about road safety, then it’s really bad, ” said Rikard Warlenius (V).

Daniel Helldén (MP) defended the increases and argued on the contrary that they should be even higher.

” We had wanted to raise the maxavgiften even more, but we must not. It makes the span is not so great. But the proposal is fully in line with the framkomlighetsstrategin to get away felparkerade cars. Today it is cheaper to take the fine than to pay the fees in several parkeringszoner. Our point is to get the fewer errors. To raise the fee is a way, said Daniel Helldén.

as the majority are behind the can have been given at the earliest at the next general council on 4 march.

Fullmäktigedebatten was also vocal about the conversion of rental properties that the green & blue opened up. In the eleven designated areas in the suburbs where hyresrätterna are in the majority, offered the residents to buy their apartments in public housing.

” Why do you want to reduce the number of rental properties right in the burning housing crisis? It is almost ten years on the waiting list for a tenancy in Rinkeby, said oppositionsborgarråd Clara Lindblom (V).

believed that one should put more energy in to build new than to remodel.

” We saw what happened when the 26.000 leaseholds were sold out with an average price of one million sek per apartment. Amazing that a few locals got to be millionaires, but it has segregated our city in a way that is very difficult to build away, said Emilia Bjuggren (S).

Mayor Anna König Jerlmyr (M) pointed out that the man also promised to build 10,000 new housing units, half of which are rental properties.

” We want to build more of everything. This is not a liquidation, we will use the fair market valuation of the homes. And transformation does not mean that housing will disappear, quite the contrary. We believe that it may counteract the segregation with a more mixed city, ” said Anna König Jerlmyr.

defended the reshuffle, which they felt was ”careful”.

” We want to not make the same mistakes as in the past. It will build more rental apartments than condominiums in Stockholm and we will continue to work with stockholmhusen and the state support for investment, said Martin Hansson (MP).