a Few years before Facebook saw the light of day revealed frilansskribenten Mustafa Can ”mailing list” Elite in the DN. You might remember the closed, mejlbaserade gossip and mobbingcentralen that was full of well-known journalists, policymakers and politicians. As one of the editors, I remember well what the hullabaloo it was.

The wind still, compared with the French facebook group Ligue you lol that was launched already in 2009 and that was revealed last week. An association of, in principle, only male journalists with the hot items in the digital media world, and apparently devoted to not only bully, but to hate, stalk, and threaten their victims online.

the playground of bored media people who wanted to lajva non-pk, so feels the Ligue you lol in a completely different way, targeted ideological – which is an extremely sad illustration of how the present has changed since 2006 when Elitlistan exploded.

the List of editorial offices, where the so-called ”loleurs been able to ravage in stealth, makes me want to jump in the Seine

Targets for the Ligue you lol are primarily women but also rasifierade and lgbtq individuals with multiple. The list of offices where the so-called ”loleurs been able to ravage in stealth, makes me want to jump in the Seine… Les Inrockuptibles, the popkulturella vänstermagasin that I basically grew up with the, prestigious, progressive, the daily newspaper Libération, online French Slate with several.

one of the things that shocks most with kvinnohatet in Ligue you lol is that many of the members are so… young. Founder and freelance journalist Vincent Glad – that has recently received much attention for its ”Yellow vests”coverage, is 33 years old. Now competes all the named newspapers about to take the measurements from colleagues that have been with us in the group and tell you how much they loathe the hatred of women, racism, homophobia and anti-semitism. Feels not quite believable, if you say so.

is, of course, why it took 10 years to sniff out the stench? Slate (whose editor-in-chief was in the group, but get to keep the job because he was ”passive”) notes in one long chronicle that the men are safely set together in the centre of power, while their predominantly female victims were alone and often without a stable job.

Hence, they dared not shout loud enough to be heard, until finally Libérations grävgrupp Checknews did the footwork they should have done years ago. The confidence of the media, the elites, learn, not, however, directly be better off in the already polarized France.

Read more: Sexist network of journalists revealed