On this Tuesday, the U 19 plays for Hertha BSC in the Youth League against Paris St. Germain. Kick-off is grounds to 16 at the Amateur stadium on the Olympic. Is trained Herthas Team of former professional Michael Hartmann, 44. He has won with the team in may, the German A-youth championship.

Mr Hartmann, what makes a good youth coach?

That depends on many factors. Because you have every year, virtually a new team, you have to set yourself new challenges, and different characters. You need to work on the Strengths of the players, but especially their weaknesses, and since the lever start. This can’t be five or six things, but only for a day or two.

Makes a good youth coach, that he won’t train as quickly as possible to a professional team?

unfortunately, There are coaches who see the children as a go-between and will take every opportunity to get to the top. For me, this is not the ideal idea. In the young you need continuity. Nevertheless, it may be the goal, to train and then eventually a professional team.

A good young coach says: I’m not taking the boys by myself?

Correct. You have to think long-term. If you say, I want to going to be the men, you just team-oriented thinking, and not how the Individual can improve.

What have you enjoyed more: winning A youth championship in the last of may or the Bundesliga your U-19 player Dennis Jastrzembski debut?

both the same. If I wasn’t on the sporting success of pride, I would be out of place. But if there is create a player, I cared for two or three years, to the pros, I must have given them something.

you Want to stay permanently in the next generation?

Currently, this is planned, Yes.

What is different than for men?

the biggest difference is the media coverage. If it runs bad, it is not necessary to justify yourself constantly. As a result, you can concentrate much more on the players. But in the meantime, will also be looked in the young a lot of results.

this Is a Problem in German football?

I think the Problem lies more in the coach training. A lot of people make with the middle of 20 licenses. The are very good in theory, but have little practical experience. This is not the right way. It would be important to place more value on the individual training of the players and not only on the System of the team. If a player constantly gets told: the play the Ball from A to B, then he makes the. But that does not bring him more individually. He has to self-realize and implement business solutions. The Individual is neglected in Germany, from my point of view.

How have you helped your experiences as a player?

I was missing as a player always have the individual care. You were more or less dependent on yourself. I have taken in the young. I am, in principle, for additional units. I go alone with someone on the court, but he must also have the mood.

How is your work at Hertha is different from the at Hansa Rostock, where they have also become U-19 champion?

In Rostock, there was not this Abundance of quality here. And the character of the boys was quite different. At the time, I brought quite aware of Kevin Panne joke from Berlin, because you are just a guy the team needed. The other players were all a bit reserved and very quiet. We had three, which made her Abitur with 1,0. Also, I was in Rostock with only 18 players. Here are about 28.

That is a Trainer under both conditions is successful, it speaks a bit for him, right?

(Laughs) As we have become with the Rostock master, I was for just two years, coach. We have also played against teams like Wolfsburg or Hertha, the two or three U-national players in their ranks. We have not had the. If you sit still, this is certainly a great success. But it is above all a team success.

Which title are you more surprised?

The Rostock. Clearly.

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winning the German championship in U-19-Hertha BSC-a Golden Vintage

Steven Wiesner

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