the Similarity between klimaeliten and some extreme religious sektledere is great. There is a problem. Are we going to solve the climate crisis requires great participation and engagement from most people. Klimalederne scares people away from the battle against climate change.

1. Faith in the cause is not enough – you must believe like us

It is not enough to believe in man-made climate change in order to be accepted as klimaengasjert. You must also accept klimaelitens view of the world and the various instruments to the letter. If not you will be attempted to be cast out.

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I think even that climate change is man-made. When I asked questions on Twitter about the calculations of greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture, there came immediately from the secretary of state in Klimadepartementet, Sveinung Rotevatn (V): “This is simply klimafornekting”. When I stated me critical of the so-called “EAT-the report”, wrote the leader of the WWF, Bård Vegard Solhjell, that the centre party had “taken the step from pådrivar, via støttespelar to the opponent.”

So the short way is to condemnation.

2. The undemocratic organization

Klimaorganisasjoner have virtually no functioning medlemsdemokrati. A few people decide for the most part. Common organisasjonsdemokrati where people are members that can affect the operation of the organizations does not apply.

WWF, the Bellona foundation and Zero is the example of our premier klimaorganisasjoner. None of these are member organisations. A few people decide and promotes the views.

3. Speaking in tongues

Klimapolitikkens speaking in tongues is based on the well-known words, but the words are put together in a way that makes it virtually incomprehensible to the common people.

From the petrol station to energistasjon Debate

When klimaminister Ola Elvestuen was interviewed by NRK during the climate summit in Katowice, was tungetalen so intense that the NRK later had to invite the secretary of state his to explain what was said.

All interested persons I meet are keen to talk the most popular and understandable. The exception is klimaorganisasjonene, where it seems like it to build up a most exclusionary language is an independent goal.

4. Humor forbidden

There is nothing more gravalvorlig and humørløst than the Norwegian klimatopper. You can joke with most in life, but drag you a joke about the climate is bad outside.

some years ago a Norwegian stortingspolitiker snøfast at an airport in Amsterdam. He let out the picture of this and wrote “klimakrise me in the middle of røvi.” Everyone else understood it was a joke. The politician was towed to the radio program “Dagsnytt Eighteen” of klimabevegelsen with the expectation of an excuse.

And do you remember the last time you saw Frederic Hauge in the Bellona smile?

5. Double standard

“Live as I say, not as I do.” Bigotry is an exercise that is mastered by many klimatopper.

It is a paradox that At the Stordalen exhorts to the common people what they should eat in order to save the climate. It seems not even as if it strikes her that if we all on earth had lived as her so had we not had a planet to save the day.

6. What you do is never good enough

Ros is an extremely rare item from the klimabevegelsen. Never is anything good enough. There are no policy areas where dissatisfaction is so great and fundamental as among klimatoppene. It doesn’t matter if klimaministeren is from A or the Right – the environmental movement is seldom or never satisfied.

7. The solution

I’m sure this will be met with both “pføy” and “double-pføy” of klimatoppene. But klimasaken is important that we can let it drown in the inflated notion of self-image, and authoritarian figures. We must folkeliggjøre klimadebatten. It is not so difficult. Here are my tips for klimabevegelsen:

* Encourage everybody to contribute. the
* Praise the progress that is made. the
* Let people decide. the
* Speak as the common people understand you. the
* Live like you talk. the
* It is allowed to laugh even if the case is serious.

don’t Get klimabevegelsen most people on the team, so there is the climate as a loser. Klimabevegelsen can and should not be a narrow-minded sect in the day. It must be a popular movement. Then there must be room for ordinary people.