With its decision in the dispute over the construction of the wall to Mexico, declare a state of emergency, has applied to the U.S. President the Federal States. 16 of them filed suit for breach of the Constitution.

US President Donald Trump gets in the face of the approach for the construction of the border system to Mexico a lot of resistance from the Federal States: A coalition of 16 States – among them California and New Mexico have filed in Federal court in San Francisco in lawsuit against his state of emergency Declaration.

Trump I stumbled upon them against the will of Congress “under the pretext of an alleged crisis,” the Federal funds for the construction of the wall, quoted the “New York Times” from the statement of claim. The California General attorney Xavier Becerra, said that with the step-Trump should be held to abuse its Power.

“there is No place for drama”

“We will sue President Trump to stop him, to Rob one-sided with the taxpayers’ money, which was provided by the Congress for the people in our States. For most of us, the office of the President is no place for drama.” In television interviews Becerra, a Democrat, said in the lawsuit, trump’s own words as proof should be noted that the proclamation of a state of emergency was not necessary.