the Majority of the Danish parliament’s 179 members are well underway with preparations for the upcoming election, but for the 24 MF’ere was the previous electoral campaign, their last.

They have already announced that they are not standing for re-election. And of them 11 just sat in one time period or shorter. It is considerably more than in the elections in 2015 and 2011.

It writes Kristeligt Dagblad.

At the election in 2015 it was just the three mps with low seniority who chose not to stand again. In 2011 it was about five members.

According to Flemming Juul Christiansen, associate professor in politics and administration at Roskilde University, can an explanation be that life as folketingspolitiker not live up to expectations.

among other things He has researched the link between seniority and political influence.

– today, advances you much faster through the political system than in the past. It will say that there is an expectation that you, as a folketingspolitiker quickly gain influence. Whether it happens, has a big impact on how you look at his position, says Flemming Juul Christiansen to Kristeligt Dagblad.

At the last elections, when the Alternative check in parliament with nine mandates, and the parliamentary group grew to 10, then from Pernille Schnoor changed a lot.

the Alternative posed with a goal to change the political reality, but it has proven very difficult, Flemming Juul Christiansen.

this is probably part of the explanation as to why half of the party’s folketingsgruppe stops at the next elections, he believes.

The time, as politicians, on average, sits in the Parliament, has gradually become shorter since 1990. It is shown by an inventory, as researchers from roskilde university and University of Southern denmark have previously made for the Morgenavisen Jyllands-Posten.

And nothing suggests that the trend reverses in the next election, which political veterans as Mogens Lykketoft (S), and Holger K. Nielsen (SF) say goodbye after over 30 years in the Christiansborg palace.

It has meaning. For one must not underestimate how important experience is in the daily work in the Danish parliament, considers Flemming Juul Christiansen.

– Which has the meaning is not just to know what a forligskreds is, and how the unwritten rules work. It is also important to understand what lies at the basis of one’s party went or not went with something. What is it you are defending and fighting for, he says to Kristeligt Dagblad.

The next general election in Denmark must be held no later than 17. June of this year.

the Danish policy – 5. jun. 2018 – at. 10:37 the Majority of Mette’s soloridt: There will be lots of trouble.