“The threat to Sweden is högernationalismen”

“Utrikesdeklarationen 2019”

“Aftonbladet’s leader board is the independent social democrat.”

“There were two red wires in yesterday’s utrikesdeklaration in the Swedish parliament, nuclear weapons, and Viktor Orbán. Both the Swedish politics – but in different ways.”

“Margot Wallström began by talking about democracy, and it is a bleak picture she paints. More people live in the developing countries, in autocratic than democratic direction.”

“As a response to Sweden to start a demokratioffensiv. Margot Wallström promised increased moderate party and support for the champion of democracy around the world. She also hopes that more countries will join.”

“Demokratioffensiv sounds very good and hopefully dare to Sweden to put force behind the words. To support human rights and democracy movement in countries like Turkey, Hungary and Russia have a high diplomatic price. Margot Wallström tend to be exemplary clear but in the case of saudi Arabia, for example, Sweden back the criticism of administration of justice was medieval because it was bad for Swedish companies. Stefan Löfven should release Margot Wallström loose to take out the turns in the issue of democracy. She can become an international symbol of the fight against authoritarian nationalism, and the ”

“Wallström has the right, but…”

“of Nuclear weapons is trickier. Margot Wallström is absolutely right that Sweden should contribute to disarmament and that the important thing now is to safeguard the non-proliferation agreements, the NPT, which is the basis for all rustningsbegränsning of atomic weapons. But the political question right now is if in case Sweden should write on the UN convention on the kärnvapenförbud. The idea of the convention is that nuclear weapons should be banned in the same way as biological and chemical weapons banned under international law. Historically, this type of prohibition was largely respected, and international agreements have great potential to influence both the public opinion and, ultimately, the countries that have not signed on.”

“Kärnvapenavtalet is from 2017, when Sweden was one of the 122 countries that voted in favour. Since then, it has encountered problems. No kärnvapenländer have wanted to join Nato, which are ultimately based its military doctrine in the nuclear deterrent, is not interested. The investigation, the government appointed, was critical and in parliament is only the social democrats, the green Party and the Left party positive. Right now the investigation is looking at the referral.”

“Some leader board is fundamentally positive to a ban on nuclear weapons. They are indiscriminate weapons that injure and kill people in generations. They should not be there. But we see problems in to decide on important foreign, defence and security commitments without the support of the blockgränsen. The government can formally sign the agreement but parliament, where 60 per cent are opposed, would hardly ratify it.”

“The bourgeois parties is critical to the kärnvapenavtalet as Nato is against. It is a bad argument. But still it is a big risk for the government to unilaterally enter into binding international agreements without having a single bourgeois party with.”

“the Risk is obvious that the right wing give back with the same coin the next time they get to form a government and may provide the contractual conventions. And to take the matter to the point: would the democrats really run the risk that the Alliance is applying for nato membership, but to anchor policy over the blockgränsen?”

“In the security policy is a wise principle to accelerate slowly and build broad collaborations. Then keep it in the long run.”