Against the Background of the process against Catalan separatists, the Spanish Parliament has rejected yesterday the draft budget of the socialist Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez. In government circles it became known that Sánchez will call on Friday to set a date for early parliamentary elections. The decisive vote will be the minority Cabinet was, of the votes of the deputies from Catalonia, depending on who had helped him before, eight and a half months into office. However, as Sánchez pointed to the receivables from Barcelona to negotiate a new independence referendum in the Region, announced his support.

little support

The Sánchez-run Socialist workers party (PSOE) only 84 of the 350 deputies in the Parliament to Madrid. For his draft budget, he was able to win only the left-alternative grouping Podemos, which has 71 seats. But the 191 members of the other parties voted against it. The speakers of both the conservative people’s party (PP) as well as the right-wing liberal citizens ‘ party (Ciudadanos) had been accused in the debate on the budget Sánchez, he is far too optimistic economic outgoing data. The promised increase in social spending was financed by a huge debt; this would stifle the economy, Spain would fall back into a recession.

Sánchez was overthrown in may 2018, the conservative Prime Minister, Mariano Rajoy (PP) by vote of censure. This had led since the end of 2011, with a rigid austerity program the country out of the recession; in his term in office, the unemployment rate had fallen from 27 to 15 percent. Sánchez had brought a small majority of the deputies against Rajoy on his side, after a court had to certify the PP, to have the corrupt structures will be built. But, is Sánchez since then, again, the majority for important projects together. The occasion for the vote of the Catalan deputies against him, the breakdown of talks between the governments in Madrid and Barcelona. The talks reached a dead point, because the Catalans maintained their claim to self-determination, even though they had to get for their price at the time of the last regional elections in 2017, only 47 percent approval. The Spanish Constitution does not allow, however, the secession of a Region, which is why twelve Catalan politicians and activists currently in Madrid, the process is made.

from right

Sánchez saw increasing pressure from right-wing groups subjected to, accused him, betrayed by the dialogue with the separatists and with the increase in the grants for Barcelona “national interests”. On Sunday, around 50’000 supporters of the PP, the Ciudadanos, as well as the extreme-right party Vox had asked for together in Madrid, the resignation of Sánchez’. The term actually ends in 2020.

In Spain is a Time of the draft budget of a government failed, in 1995, the socialist Felipe González. Then, too, the Catalan deputies had switched sides. In the subsequent elections, send won the PP. According to the recent polls, the PSOE is likely to be, although now the strongest faction, but the three right-wing groups could get together in the majority. According to a survey, the results of which published the left-liberal daily newspaper “El País” on Wednesday, could be the PSOE with around 24 percent of the vote, however, the potential coalition partner, the electoral coalition of Podemos and the post-Communist United Left (IU) would be only 15 percent. The PP would fall to just under 21 per cent, but it could form, with the Ciudadanos (18 percent), together with the government, if this would be tolerated by Vox (11 percent).

(editing Tamedia)

Created: 13.02.2019, 19:15 PM