“Great white shark” out the megalodon?”

“The giant shark meaning” big tooth ” may have died out a million years earlier than previously thought, according to a new study.”

“It would mean that the huge beast did not fall victim to a supernova, which some scholars have adopted.”

“instead, competition from the recently developed great white shark to be the cause, according to the study published in the scientific journal Peer J.”

“the Theory that a supernova, an exploding star, did end up on the megalodon is related to the species seemingly disappeared suddenly for about 2.6 million years ago – at the same time as the earth could have been reached by a tempest of cosmic radiation from a supernova 150 light-years away.”

“But in the new study, researchers argue that jättehajen lately noticed in The film, The Meg – disappeared much earlier, to 3.6 million years ago. After that date there is no secure evidence for the species anywhere on earth. All of the younger fossils are either fragmentary or from other animals. Many are also feldaterade.”

“is this ” dog tooth”, out of completely other reasons than assumed. The researchers behind the study speculate that it may have utkonkurrerats of the now existing great white shark (Carcharodon carcharias), which became common in the oceans 4 billion years ago. It was admittedly much smaller than the megalodon, but may have been a deadly competitor for the juveniles of jättehajen.”

“the Megalodon was the biggest fish that has existed on this earth. Fossil remains suggest that a large female could weigh 50 tons and reach a length of 15 to 18 metres — three times longer than the largest known great white shark.”

“It should be noted, however, that its exact size is not known. The length is calculated on the basis of the size of its teeth, that could be 18 inches long. The word ”

“the Teeth suggests that the species lived on whales and very large fish. When its maw was wide open measured it about three feet, enough to swallow two adults at a time.”

“Source: Natural History Museum”