The new EU rules for gas transport also apply to the controversial Nord Stream-2 Pipeline, which is being laid under the Baltic sea from Russia to Germany. This, after the European Parliament, the EU member States and the EU have agreed to Commission in the night of Wednesday, in principle, on the revision of the EU Gas Directive.

Will stop the amended Gas Directive, Nord Stream 2?

no, then it looks. The compromise, France and Germany in the past week, have negotiated and now the EU Parliament has agreed to, does not say for other European Baltic sea in addition to Germany. So that is now excluded, such as Denmark, the Pipeline project looks critically involved in the approval process. But Now it is also clear that new and more stringent rules of the EU must be applied to the operation of Nord Stream 2.

Thus, the Russian group Gazprom has to change as the operator of the Pipeline, which will cost about ten billion euros and is already half done, your plans. In the future, the operator of the Pipeline and the producer of the gas cannot be the same. In addition, the operator of a Pipeline must give other sellers the possibility of Gas to pass through.

How hard the new pads weigh?

it is Clear that the more stringent EU rules in any case, apply to the territory of the EU. This probably means: Only on the few kilometers, the Western Pomerania is the tube through German territorial waters and over Land in Mecklenburg, it is subject to in the future, more stringent EU regulation. The crucial question is whether the new EU rules, Nord Stream 2 profit is so profitable that it’s worth it for Gazprom.

The economic expert of the German Christian Democrats in the European Parliament, Markus Pieper, do not put here: “I hope that Nord Stream 2 is also to operate under the new requirements economically.”

The Green MEP Reinhard Bütikofer is, meanwhile, does not expect that a possible separation of production and distribution is only on the German territory. “The European energy law must apply to the entire project. And Germany is under the supervision of the EU Commission,“ he said to the daily mirror.
Similarly, the energy expert Claudia Kemfert from the German Institute for economic research (DIW), sees it: “The rules for the operation of the Pipeline apply when you are once agreed, for the entire course.”

responsive As the Federal government on the provisional agreement?

For the Federal government the message that France was changes at the EU level, into the camp into the camp of the Pipeline opponents over, a bad news came in last week. A short time later there was but then last Friday a German-French compromise, the Berlin comes from the opposite direction at least in one essential point: The regulatory oversight of the project remains in Germany. Economy Minister Peter Altmaier (CDU) had been considered, therefore, the compromise is already in the past week, as a Testament to the ability of the EU. Because, after all, it was not possible to Berlin to avoid a much more extensive proposal of the Romanian presidency of the EU. This proposal would have provided for a stricter regulation of the Pipeline project.

had been in the provisional agreement with the European Parliament of the German-French proposal of last week taken, said a spokesman of the Ministry of economy on Wednesday. The Details of the agreement were still being examined, he further explained.

Can wave the German authorities, Nord Stream 2 simply by?

no. The compromise provides that the German regulatory authorities for Nord Stream 2 is responsible. You must ensure, however, that the stricter rules of the EU are also applied. The last word has in the Rest of the EU-Commission. In principle, the German authorities may also approve an exemption for Nord Stream 2 and thus ensure that the Pipeline falls under the stricter EU law.

The EU Parliament, however, makes clear that the scope for the German authorities: “The final decision on the exception is in the case of the EU-Commission,” it said in a communication to the Parliament. As a result, the Brussels authority must consider whether the exemption is necessary and the legal conditions are met. “In the event of disagreement, the assessment of the Commission.” Bütikofer sees it this way: “The compromise is not a license for the German authorities to decide freely.”

Can prevent Germany, the Reform of the Gas Directive?

in Principle, this is possible. The majority of the 28 EU member States must agree to the compromise. In order to prevent the Reform, then Germany would organize with a number of other countries a blocking minority. That is not to be expected. Also, the final consent of the European Parliament in a vote in plenary, scheduled for April, is considered to be safe.

Is to Nord Stream 2 might finish before the new EU law is to apply?

no, this scenario is not threatened according to the assessment of EU diplomats. In the text of the law included, “that an agreement between a member state and a third country, under any circumstances, be allowed to delay the implementation of this Directive”. The member States have nine months time to bring their national legislation into conformity with this Directive. It is said that the Nord Stream-2 Pipeline could be completed by the end of the year.

Who is a loser, who the winner is?

Economically, the companies are the losers, the construction of the Pipeline. This is Gazprom. However, there are several European companies that are involved in the financing of the Pipeline, such as the BASF-subsidiary Wintershall and the French gas Engie. It is clear that the construction and approval to be more complicated and to meet the new requirements. The yields may be lower.

the loss to make the business as a whole unprofitable, is considered to be unlikely. Politically, it is clear that the EU Parliament and the Commission, opponents of Nord Stream 2 and the requirements to be welcomed. The Federal government supports Nord Stream 2.

among the opponents of the Pipeline Eastern European countries such as the Ukraine, white Russia and Poland, because they fear a loss of revenue of the gas transit business. US President, Donald Trump is an opponent of the Pipeline, because he fears the potential for U.S. liquefied natural gas.

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However, there are also members of the European Parliament proponents of the project. One of them is the SPD members of the European Parliament Martina Werner. “I believe that the suggestion has failed to stop the project,” she said on Wednesday. It is deplorable that the EU member States in the dispute over the Nord Stream 2 can divide. Rather, it is useful if between Russia on the suppliers and the EU on the consumer side, a “mutual dependency”, she said. Werner, according to Poland, too, can benefit with a possible shortage of supply of Nord Stream 2.