what Is it? What’s happening? A theme is just so great is that you can’t escape? And so the media’s editing of climate change is not meant to be. This you can avoid really. In the policy part, in Society, in the Local, and even in the Sport: at the Latest since the Swiss students on a regular basis for a climate policy demonstrate, dominated in many Newspapers, this is a topic.

no, the question is another: is Happening there is actually something? Really? The theme seeps into the minds of the people that you change your behavior? Eating less meat? In the Easter holiday to Portugal to fly but take the train? And in autumn maybe a party other than otherwise your voice?

“In the last hot summer, a broken dam,” says political geographer Michael Hermann. “Now it is Winter, it is cold, and still the issue has not disappeared. This shows that people are obviously willing to understand climate change as a Problem.”

of Course, will have an impact on the elections, says Hermann. Even more than on the lives of the people – because it is easier to choose a different party, than to actually fly less. The paths between the SP and the Greens were short for the voters. Away from the social democracy, which has focused in recent years almost exclusively on economic and social issues, all the way to the Green, the program fit quite exactly to the current way of life. On the civil side of the climate will be felt for change as a factor, says Hermann. “The topics of the SVP is not pulling at the Moment, obviously, and the longer the sense of liberty over the climate need to talk to, the more difficult it will be for him.”

The researchers Divided

is more Sceptical than Michael Hermann, Claude Longchamp. At the Moment, the climate issue is oversubscribed, under the impact of the strikes, “medial”, diagnosed as the analyst. He refers to the worry barometer, where the environment and climate for months on the ranks four to six. Acute as the climate the people to deal with, according to the last surveys, the pension, and expensive health insurance premiums. How strong is the climate stand in the election day in October on the political Agenda, depends crucial from the summer of 2019, believes Longchamp. “There should be no record high temperatures, will lose the climate a priority in the public perception.”

In the case of the parties, the standings are as controversial as the researchers – and seems to obviously ideology driven. The more vehemently a party is pushing for a different climate policy, the more they seem to want to believe that people talk in the autumn about the climates. “Is the climate crisis in the center, so that helps the Green safe in the elections,” says Balthasar Glättli, national councillor and Co-campaign Manager of the Green. Your best election result ever achieved by the Green party in 2007, when the Al Gore Film “An inconvenient truth,” catapulted climate change into the consciousness of a wider Public.

Video: Greta Thunberg at WEF

“your Generation has stolen our future”: Greta Thunberg arrived by train from Sweden and speaks with a stopover in Zurich on your big goal at the World Economic Forum.

Similarly, the green-liberal assessment of the climate situation. “Of course, can happen until autumn a lot,” says Tiana Moser, group head of the GLP. “However, the topic has received a new Dimension, a new urgency. It seems that the environmental awareness in the population is greater than in the Federal councils. And that could turn into a “Now”mood.”

so what happens. Political groups say left of center. No, because nothing happens, they say, to the right. The debate around the climate was “a momentary hysteria,” says SVP-President Albert Rösti. “Students who skip school, in order to strike for the climate, impress me, not insane.” First, hash Browns, should prove to these young people, “that they are willing to consume less”. The SVP will not change your content positioning, at least for “short term events”, as he calls it, for sure. The SVP would continue to stand by your criticism of the EU framework agreement and the migration policy.

prefer nothing to the topic of climate, the sense of liberty would say. In the cantons, he is riding a wave of success and also hopes to make substantial seat gains in the Federal house. However, in the last few weeks, the FDP is the result of the debate on climate change under pressure: as a climate hostile party in the national Council, common cause made with the climate skeptics of the SVP and the crash of the CO2 act has caused. The FDP, as it came to a head SRG-house satirist Michael Elsener, mean, more recently, “Fuck de Planet”.

The political competition rubs his hands: “The climate issue has the potential to dampen the electoral success of the FDP is crucial,” says the Green Balthasar Glättli. However, in the last few weeks something has happened in and with the FDP. Since the in free sense two currents. Many of the pioneers of environmental protection were free-willed. In the last few years, but the other, ordoliberal FDP-wing upper water, for any state intervention of the devil, had also the protection of the environment. The leaders of this wing of the climate issue is the fall of the Bernese national councillor Christian the water that was in the debate on the CO2 law in the national Council.

free meaning under pressure

However, after massive public criticism of other voices – those that have always been for a greener FDP, and discover from election tactical Considerations on your ecological heart (where the Transition between the two groupings is fluent): The Zurich FDP councillor Ruedi Noser is a member of the initiative Committee of the glaciers initiative. FDP-Ständeräte as Damian Müller and Joachim Eder, a vow, to the failure of their national Council colleagues for the CO2-law fix.

And from the national Council deputation to be self-critical voices. “In the national Council of the state have missed out on supporting it, a majority of powerful, easy-to-grip CO2-law. Truly no feat,” says free Democrat Aargauer national Council Matthias Jauslin. “The FDP must be the criticism that she made a major contribution to the dilution of the moderate Federal Council template.”

And in the party’s base it ferments. “There are only a few free-minded who believe that environmental policy is not a theme for the FDP” says the Zurich-based companies, consultants, and local politicians-Peter Metzinger, a former Greenpeace man. There are many free intimate talk in private and in business life for a long time for sustainability, dedicated, so far, but did not dare to. “Now many of the Moment came for Coming out.”

The “Environmentally sensitive”

in fact, according to research ecological free-thinking, to organise the party internally, with the aim of the FDP green. 31. January met in Zurich, Walhalla Hotel 21 free intimate strategy session. Among other things, the former WWF Director Hans-Peter Fricker and Beat Kälin, President of the FDP were in addition to Peter Metzinger miles and the WWF, Zurich. The Meeting, confirmed by Fricker, was “a reaction to the behavior of the FDP fraction in the CO2 debate in the national Assembly”. You have debated, as one could in the party of environmental concern strengths. You search the dialogue with the party lines at the cantonal and national level.

at the end of March – that is, after the Zurich-based elections – wants to meet the radical Eco-group, to discuss the further course of action. One Option among several to start a new organization called the environmental free-intimate – according to the model of the FDP women or the young liberals, says Hans-Peter Fricker. Already a step further Peter Metzinger goes: “I give the Foundation of an FDP under Association in the Canton of Zurich, very large opportunities.” It seems to happen so be actually something.

(editing Tamedia)

Created: 13.02.2019, 08:18 PM