The Swedish Greta Thunberg was known worldwide for her weekly klimaatprotest and inspired, thereby, actions in countries such as the demonstrations by Youth For Climate on Thursday with us. But not everyone is convinced of her activism. According to her fans, she is a real ‘klimaatmessias’. According to the critics, she is the puppet of her well-known family and a Swedish pr agent. Thunberg has now via Facebook responded to the allegations of the second group.

About her reputation to do a number of theories round. According to skeptics, it is at least remarkable that on Greta’s first day of strikes, in August of last year, just the boss of a well-known Swedish pr agency walked by and made a picture that viral it went on social media. The German internet magazine also found it ‘suspicious’ that Greta’s mother – who is a well-known opera singer – a book published shortly after she and her schoolstakingen began. Last week, the British klimaatkritische advocacy group Global Warming Policy Foundation a blog post with the provocative headline ” climate-figurehead or PR-praatpop?’.

it is Absolutely independent

Thunberg gives that critics now click on the piece. “A lot of people love to make rumors to spread and claim that I have been paid for my work. But there is nobody behind my actions except myself. My parents had nothing to do with klimaatactivisme before I make them aware of the situation,” she explains.

I have no klimaatactivist met who are doing it for the money. That idea is utterly absurd

Greta Thunberg

“I make no part of an organization. I support and work sometimes together with different NGOS, but I am absolutely independent and represent only myself. Everything I do, I do for free. I’ve never had money or a promise to receive future payments. And, of course, will continue to do so. I have no klimaatactivist met who are doing it for the money. That idea is utterly absurd. Further, I travel only with the permission of my school and pay my parents all the tickets and accommodations.”

Father as speechschrijver

In her home country of Sweden is claimed to be Greta’s father, Svante, an actor, behind the actions of his daughter and that he the brain would be behind her powerful speeches. According to some, they can be impossible by a 16-year-old written.

“I write my own speeches. But, because I know a lot of people, I get a lot of people input, so I ask scientists to certain complicated things to explain. I want everything I publish is absolutely correct. I don’t want any errors to spread or things that are wrong can be understood,” says Thunberg about it.