Her habits should be well and truly on, if the 26-year-old alenemor Mille, which is the evening’s participating in the ‘Luksusfælden’, should hope to be debt-free within a foreseeable future.

Every month she used for more a 14, 000 crowns which she had not, and it was alarming, and felt that the programme’s experts.

Among other things, drank the she five Red Bulls a day and spent more than 8000 dollars per month on clothes, shoes, furniture and toys for her eight-month-old daughter, Hollie.

In all, said her consumption of energy drinks at a cost of 23.000 dollars a year.

If she continued, it would not only be a disaster for her economy, but also have fatal consequences for her health.

in Order to finance her high consumption, had the Mille taken 25 payday loans, which left her with a debt of 289.000 euros.

Mille took the experts ‘ advice to heart, and in the program you could see her pouring his Red Bulls out in the sink.

today, three months after the programme was recorded, she is still ‘clean’. Not a sip, the 26-year-old mother from Oakland, allowed itself to be tempted by.

– It was insanely hard to put Red Bullen on the shelf. It was an addiction. But I can manage it today, says Mille to Ekstra Bladet.

Also her fierce over-consumption of material things is today a closed chapter.

It was something of an eye opener. As you can see in the program, I am very sorry. It was a hard sneeze and a mavepuster. I understood that if I should be able to live a good life in the future, I had to make some things on with the same, and I have done.

– I have not bought a single thing. It is mega hard and difficult. I must just go down into the Net, so bursting with temptations such as the sweet frou-frou things for the home and the kind of. But I keep at it, saith the from the Mille.

well-Known you also Have the mess in the economy? Here are the experts ‘ best advice

Although the Mille is generally happy with her involvement and the progress she has taken since the program, there are no roses without thorns.

In the program appear to it, as if to Mille nasser on his friend Louise to borrow money and invite themselves to dinners with her in order to save money

But the picture is completely wrong, consider the Mille.

– How did you and Louise today?

– We don’t talk together anymore. Louise could not understand that I no longer had to buy all sorts of things, and that it was therefore difficult for me to see her spend money all the time. Her only comment to it was just: ‘It is not me who has been in the ‘Luksusfælden’, explains Mille to Ekstra Bladet.

She also points to another problem, which has been instrumental to the wrecked friendship.

– I’ve always been good at saying no, but I did not in the program. That gets Louise to appear as if I have utilized her and her family, and it is far from reality. She appears to be, as one who has mastered it all, and that I am the irresponsible. I feel she has stabbed me in the back, and it can piss me very much.

– Although it is too bad, so they affect me not. I’m not sad or miss her. The behavior, as she has had, is not such, is really the best friend.

the Article continues under the picture …
the picture shows Louise on the left and the Mille to the right. They are no longer friends. Photo: TV3

the Extra Leaf has been in contact with Louise, who, not sharing the Milles perspective on the situation.

– I can’t say much else than that she does not know my finances, but it is easy enough to blame it on others. I just got the message that I had not supported her, because I used the money, while she could not. But, I’m the mother of three, I will have to live my life. It is not my fault that she ended up where she is, reads it from her.

Although she is disappointed by the development, she is also a bit relieved.

– We had it damn good together, so on the way, I miss our friendship, but I let go of a lot of concerns. It has corroded much of our family. What we have not used the resources at her.. So it’s a little disappointing that she is behaving in this manner, she concludes.