“Wallström warns of the dangers of nuclear war”

“Minister for foreign affairs Margot Wallström (S) will take up the nuclear threat in this year’s utrikesdeklaration.”

“– Some analysts believe that the situation has not been as difficult since the end of the cold war. The mechanisms we have to control and solve the problem is weakened, ” she says in an interview with the daily News.”

“Utrikesdeklarationen is the government’s annual statement of foreign policy. It marks the start of Wednesday’s debate in parliament.”

“Margot Wallström sees several reasons for concern. Where are the united states and Russia recently left the disarmament treaty the INF, north korea so far, the failure of disarmament and the risk of kärnavtalet with Iran falls.”

“– But the most serious is the risk that the non-proliferation treaty (npt) the NPT is not extended. The preparations for the review conference in the spring of 2020 is not good at all. Real like seems to be missing, so far, ” she says to Dagens Nyheter.”