“Now take a head start in the spring: ”May be here next week””

“the Forecast for next week: Sun and temperatures above freezing.”

“this Week’s weather offers sun and temperatures over the whole country. Already in a week can spring be here – which for Skåne means that there was barely any winter. “

“– the Spring may come as early as in the beginning of the next week, ” says the meteorologist Mikael Sjöstrand on the Foreca. “

“There is a big chance that the spring is reached already this week in parts of the country. All over the country are expected to spring weather with sun and temperatures above freezing. In some places it has several signs of spring have already begun to pop up in the flower beds. “

“– Spring may be here already in the beginning of next week. It is expected mild weather and the spring may extend up to the Region and it can also be our on the west coast, ” says Mikael Sjöstrand meteorologist at Foreca. “

“Even in the north, the temperature is expected to come up in the seven-to-eight degrees above zero this weekend. “

“– In the north, stop the heat until Monday. Then it becomes a little more uncertain.”

“Mikael Sjöstrand tells us that the reason why the early spring is that a proper high pressure settled over Central europe and pushes milder air over the Atlantic ocean.”

“This hot air from both the Atlantic ocean and from Spain is expected to sweep into Sweden and give us relatively high temperatures.”

“Could be a setback”

“But the meteorologist warns that there may be a setback, with low temperatures again.”

“– Yes, as it looks now, it could be a low pressure again with the colder air, which can come back but further it is not possible to predict. “

“For it to count as meteorological spring, it is required that is between zero to ten degrees seven days in a row.”

“Even if the temperature subsequently drops, it is officially spring. It will be our very next week, it means that Skåne has barely had any winter to speak of. “

“– Normally in the spring arrive in February in Div. Then somewhat later in the Region. But in the north, there is a difference, then the spring, normally in april, in may, ” says Mikael Sjöstrand.”

“nexample when the spring normally tends to arrive:”