Animals During walks with her dog Drama, the American Jessica Williams (21) from the state of Kentucky that several passers-by often were scared of her four-legged friend. The woman came up with the idea of the animal is pink to dye. The twenties, that the result on social media posted, is now getting death threats. “Wrongly”, so will they.

According to Jessica sees her five-month-old puppy, there is now “less frightening” than for the pink painting. “People are generally afraid of large dogs,” says Jessica. “By the Drama of pink paint, I have noticed that many more people come to her for her to pet. Moreover, it turns the pink color will put a smile on many faces. Too bad that Drama can’t see how great she looks now.”

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animal Lovers react less enthusiastically. “They blame me that I my dog mishandel. I have even made death threats. What people don’t know is that my dog has a better life than some adults,” says Jessica, who is also the nails of Drama a tan. the

The Us understand the indignant reactions. “I use natural paints, so I don’t see the problem”. Jessica emphasized that the color naturally fades away if Drama a few washes. “The negativity will not stop me to her in the future, a time to dye”, sounds.


Dogs have a make-over with paint, however, is not without danger. Last year got a Maltese in the U.s. state of roads. The owner of Violet used purple hair dye for people, making the fur of the animal is singed.

Violet is okay in the end, but according to the shelter, where the injured dog was placed – do such incidents are unfortunately common.