Bizarre Almost 9.5 million views for the video that Luke McPherson from the Australian state of Victoria in november on YouTube posted. He went with a comrade to an abandoned zoo on an hour and a half drive from Melbourne. They filmed the complete decline and hit upon an unlikely, uncanny left guest: a mensenhaai on strong water.

“Like a Damien Hirst in the sales,” writes artist and photographer Dom Krapski on Vice . He refers to the work of the Brit Damien Hirst in 1991, with the sonorous title The Physical Impossibility of Death In The Mind of Someone Living. That sets up a tiger shark in formaldehyde in a tank. Krapski last month itself to take a look at the closed zoo in Melbourne, after a friend introduced him to the penalty story in a cafe had told us. The two scouts armed themselves first with the “painfully expensive” gas masks, and with “much cheaper snacks”.

“the shed with The shark was the first thing we found after two minutes of walking in the park,” writes Krapski. “We pulled a sliding door open and there it was: a huge, dark vessel, surrounded by clutter.” The shark is four metres long and is floating in the greenish aquarium of the zoo in 2012, and the doors had to close for breaches of animal welfare and other legislation. In the video of Lukie Mc last november does the tank appear at 16:56. We can see the rest of the room is scattered with broken arcade games and junk. On a sign on the wall reads: “mysterious shark”.

The mensenhaai found dead in fishing nets on the South Australian coast in 1998. The idea was initially that the animal a temporary shelter would find in the park south of Melbourne, because his previous residence in a ecotoerismecentrum for fur seals shut down.

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Also on reddit, it went hard with a picture of the conscious shark. Local residents know the neglected park and have for many years been at the height of the shark in formaldehyde. In the past it was the exact location on social media as much as possible concealed. However, after the closure of the zoo clearly visitors on the floor. And since the video on YouTube, viral, went, it is simply disastrous, especially for the always well kept but now wegrottende shark. Vandals have the roof of the tank slipped and the glass burst, allowing hazardous gases from the aquarium to escape. They also have crap like a defective tv set in rolled. “I suspect that this is now about a few weeks all will be,” concludes Krapski on Vice . “I think there in everyone somewhere a pretbederver lies, but some are better than others.”