In the century of process in New York has said the US Jury, the Mexican drug kingpin “El Chapo” on all counts guilty. He will spend the Rest of his life behind bars.

Mexican drug boss Joaquín “El Chapo” Guzmán has been spoken in the United States guilty. The Jury in New York saw his guilt in all the ten charges after several days of deliberations to be proved. The offender must, for the Rest of his life in prison.

the most serious charge, the participation in a criminal organisation, writes the criminal code of the United States, before life imprisonment. Guzmán may not apply for early release. According to US Federal law allowed the death penalty was excluded in the method according to an agreement between the United States and Mexico, that Guzmán 2017 had been delivered to his arrest. The addition of a total of ten charges revolved around the production and international distribution of cocaine and other drugs, as well as the use of firearms and money laundering.

2017 in the USA <p class="text small" delivered to The public Prosecutor's office had submitted to in the process about two and a half months, a mass of evidence and more than 50 witnesses will be called. Whose testimony lasted nearly three months. Many witnesses described the willingness of the now 61-year-old Guzmán, violent action against enemies of the cartel. The cartel smuggled, according to the state attorney within 20 years, a minimum of 181 tons of cocaine into the United States.

The defense alleged that the witnesses, to make Guzman a scapegoat for their own crimes. She called only a single witness, and ended their defense of the Case within 30 minutes.

some 35 hours over six days had then discussed the twelve members of the Jury of eight women and four men on guzmán’s guilt or innocence. An acquittal seemed to be given the sometimes crushing burden of proof is very unlikely.

During the negotiations, no photos were allowed to be made. Therefore, there is only court drawings like this.

From the U.S. Department of justice, to the most dangerous criminals

was regarded as the century of process. The U.S. Department of justice, had declared that “El Chapo” Guzmán to the most dangerous criminals in the United States. This is a title, the last of Al Capone.

Guzmán is currently locked in a high-security prison in New York’s borough of Manhattan. It is not clear whether he should serve his punishment there or in another detention centre will be relocated. In Mexico succeeded Guzmán twice, break out of prison in 2001, he escaped in a Laundry basket, and 2015 through a Tunnel, the accomplice to his cell had dug.

the Jury speaks El Chapo guilty verdict in June
Georg Schwarte, ARD New York
12.02.2019 19:44 PM

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“El Chapo”process: torture, Tunnel, square pants, Mexican drug boss Guzman taken of the Jury, speaks to El Chapo guilty, Georg Schwarte, ARD New York |audio Atlas |USA |New York
