finished products should contain less sugar. Voluntary the industry to implement, the Plan of the diet, Minister of Klöckner. The German Diabetes society does not want to participate.

The strategy of nutrition Minister Julia Klöckner for a healthier finished products in – but to Start, the CDU-politician, has collected a rejection letter. The German Diabetes society (DDG) wants to be a part of the monitoring body to keep an eye on the process.

“In its present Form, science has goals in the body of practically no influence on the formulation of concrete reduction,” said President Dirk Müller-Wieland. “So far, these remain far behind what would be from a scientific point of view is necessary in order to stop the rise of Obesity and Diabetes in Germany.” The German Sonderweg, a reduction of sugar, salt and fat to reach in manufactured foods is only voluntary, and in consensus with the industry, should already be regarded as a failure.

Regret over cancellation

Klöckner regretted the cancellation of the diabetes experts Who don’t play along, take the opportunity to participate in a constructive way. She stressed that it was important that the parties Involved were sitting at a table, in order to find a feasible and verifiable objectives.

However, the DDG claims to continue to dialogue with the Ministry of Food ready, for example, via an all-to-understand food labelling or the protection of children from advertising for unhealthy products. “We expect that the protection of health takes precedence over the economic interests of the food industry,” said DDG-Director, Barbara Bitzer.

ready-made products from milk often contain too much sugar.

obligation without liabilities

Klöckner wants the food industry grabs progressively less sugar, salt and fat in ready-made products, such as frozen pizza or cereal. It should commit to the industry’s voluntary reduction targets. Among other things, the beverage industry committed itself to reduce, by 2025, in their non-alcoholic products the sugar content to 15 percent. Breakfast cereals for children contain until then, 20% less sugar yogurt for kids ten percent less. However, the agreements are not binding.

critics argue for mandatory standards for the industry. Today was supposed to meet with the panel for the first time.

In Germany, according to the Ministry 47% of women, 62 per cent of men and 15 percent of children are considered overweight. Too much sugar, fat and salt increase the risk for cardiovascular disease and Diabetes.

experts ‘ round-table: Less sugar, salt and fat!
C. Plaß, ARD Berlin
12.02.2019 18:01 PM

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A little less unhealthy, 19.12.2018 Klöckner sense one sugar doubt expensive, 06.05.2018 Atlas |Germany |Berlin
